The ringing of my desk phone broke my chain of thoughts and I answered.

"Officer Gabe how are you today", my breath hitched, it was Mr. Young.

"I'm good and you?" I knew what was coming now.

"Yeah well I know we we're not supposed to call you but we just couldn't take it anymore, I'm sure you understand," his voice sounded thick.

"Yeah of course I was about to call you anyway" I mumbled, "so far we haven't got anything and we will keep searching."

"You have nothing?", Mr. Young sounded shaken.

"No not really, I am very sorry but it does not look good." Avery wasn't coming back I might as well prepare them for that.

"What do you mean sir?"

"Whoever took her left no traces of where he went, he played his game well. To be honest we are in the dark, with a dead end." I itched to tell him that she was alive and well I couldn't say safe but alive yes.

"But...but," he stammered.

"Im very sorry, we are doing our best and will keep doing so."

"Can you ask the FBI or someone for help, it's my daughter we're talking about". he sounded desperate.

"Sir we can't do that, the FBI can't run after every missing person in the United States," I flinched, being rude wouldn't help, hastily I added "we have professional detectives on the case." which was a half lie I was the only detective in this town.

"Yeah Officer, I know" he sounded defeated. "well I'll call again soon."

He hung up and I felt guilty for snapping at him. But having vampires around wasn't something that held me at ease.

Suddenly two arms embraced me and Selines lovely scent wrapped around my nose.

"Was that the girl's father?" her voice was soft.

"Yes it was", I turned around and hugged her tight.

"You see I can make them forget that Avery is missing, do you want me to?", she whispered close to my ear.

"Darling, I think we will do this the human way." I murmured.

"Then let me take care of your troubled mind right now", her lips brushed mine softly.

Leo's POV

As I made my way to Layla's house my thoughts went to Avery. Layla had informed me that the police had no hint on her yet.

I wanted to speak to Officer Gabe to offer my help, playing detective was something I enjoyed and I was good at it too. But somehow I didn't dare. The Officer gave me an unsettling feeling, he always looked at me strangely. But maybe he had reason too.

Once arriving at Layla's door she opened the door for me, invited me in and welcomed me with a hug. Automatically my arms wrapped around her, she gave me a warm feeling.

"So what do you wanna do?", Layla's voice was the happiest since Avery's disappearance.

I stood and stared at her capturing smile, she was so beautiful.

"Just be with you", her smile broadened at my words.

"Come in".

She led me into their living room, it was a comfortable medium sized house with cozy arrangements. On the coffee table in the middle of the room stood waiting various snacks that she must have prepared.

"My parents arent home so we got the house to ourselves." Layla said gesturing to the couches. We went to sit down and she pressed play on the remote and the TV began playing a movie I didn't want to see. 'The Notebook'

She had been observing me and laughed at my expression, then quickly sobered up "Avery is missing I always watch this when I'm sad."

"Oh I didnt know, thats ok we can watch this" I said feeling sorry for her.

We sat on either end of the couch but I wanted to be closer to her. I wanted to run my fingers through her long blond curls and just stare at her beautiful features. I wanted drown myself in her scent and kiss her rosy lips.

"Leo.....hey, Leo", I snapped out of my thoughts to see her holding a tray of delicious looking brownies in front of me. She blushed as she realized I had been staring at her.

I smiled and took a piece of the treat, we ate quietly but I noticed that she hadn't reclaimed her spot on the other side of the couch since giving me the brownie, she was now sitting in the middle.

As she got up serving herself a cup of water, I got the perfect chance to check out her body, she was not just beautiful but also very sexy.

Damn it Leo, put yourself together, I scolded my wayward thoughts.

She sat down again giving me a glass of water, and I mumbled a quiet 'Thanks'. We settled down to keep watching but my mind was on the girl beside me. I had never felt so attracted to someone before.

This time I didn't let her sit away from me, I pulled her into my chest and she cradled against me. But I wanted more, I wanted to kiss her. I kept pretending to watch the movie and so it went on.

When the movie came closer to the end she shifted to look at me, and caught me staring at her again. Her lips where begging to be kissed and without control over my actions I bent down. She looked nervous and uneasy, but I didn't give her a chance to stop me.

Smashing my lips into hers I wrapped my arms around her and her hands came up to grab my hair, responding eagerly.

After we both fought for breath, I broke off the kiss and rested my head against her neck.

My eyes where shut tightly and suddenly I felt my lust rising, my fangs elongated and pressed against my lips. I wanted her blood and I wanted it very bad.

And then I knew, I couldn't believe it myself but it was true and as twisted as it might sound, this human girl was my soulmate.


So....any ideas??

This chapter goes to one of my first readers and great friend infinite_zeal a shout out to you and your great story. Don't hesitate to check it out!!

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