No Shizu-chan, That Doesn't Mean I Like You!

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Izaya walked confidently through the throng of people surrounding him as he made his way through Ikebukuro. The train ride there had taken much too long and now he was feeling rather impatient. He wanted to get this over with so he could go back to his jobs carefree. Still, the look on his face will be a pleasant surprise. Izaya gave a small laugh, wondering what the brute first reaction would be. He glanced at his phone, scanning through the Dollars website in hopes of someone mentioning how they saw and "survived" the great Heiwajima Shizuo. Izaya rolled his eyes at the mere thought of someone other than himself being able to take on that monster. After finding nothing, Izaya began to rake his eyes through the crowd, searching for a taller man with bright blonde hair and wearing a bartender suit. When no one that matched this appearance Izaya sat down on the bench and took a break, watching his beloved humans go about their daily business. "IZAAAAYAAAAA!" A furious bellow swept throughout the city, causing everyone to freeze in fear.

"My my Shizu-chan, there's no need to shout." Izaya stood up and turned to face the protozoan with his usual smirk displayed across his face. Shizuo stood a few feet away from him, his hands already holding a street sign. "Before you go all hulk on me, I'm not here to fight." Izaya began, trying not to start a chase. He watched as the blonde's eyes went from confusion to disbelief. "Yeah right, flea. You're always up to something." He snarled. The people around them backed away slowly and soon everyone went along with their day, ignoring the two enemies. Izaya sighed and leaned against a brick wall. "I'm telling the truth." He said calmly and to assure Shizuo, he took out one of his knives and threw it on the ground, away from both of them. Izaya still had two knives secure inside his pockets but he knew Shizuo wouldn't think twice about anything like this. His gamble was right and he watched Shizuo slowly set down the sign and glare at him. "What the fuck do you want then?"

"Tsk, such vulgar language. Anyway Shizu-chan, it's clear you want to kill me. However, I am rather opposed to fighting you nowadays." Izaya dropped his smirk and spoke seriously, wanting the monster to know he wasn't playing around. Shizuo frowned and folded his arms, staring thoughtfully at the smaller male. "Really? I always thought you loved making my life a living hell." He spat in return.

"Well I used to. Still, I'd rather not," Izaya tried to appeal to Shizuo, "cause you harm anymore. We've both been risking our lives in this stupid game of tag and I'd rather not continue it. So I've decided that, while I can't leave Ikebukuro, I will stop...bothering you." He finished, hoping his plan had worked. Sure, he'd told a few white lies here and there, but it was mostly true! Mostly. Shizuo's eyes had lost their malice and he was thinking over what the louse head said quite calmly. "You're saying you don't want to fight anymore because you don't hate me anymore?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah sure." Izaya gave an inward groan, staring at the ground so the blonde wouldn't have to see his face and realize he was lying. Shizuo was always very perceptive and usually figured out whenever the brunette wasn't telling the truth.

Shizuo on the other hand looked at Izaya with astonishment. I guess it took a lot of courage for the flea to say this. Even now, he's staring at the ground trying to hide his embarrassment. He thought, wondering what had gotten Izaya so "flustered". "Oh. Oh." He said out loud, coming to his own conclusion. Who thought Izaya would confess his love to me of all people?

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