Chapter 1: With classes, brings change

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     Before I start this new fan fiction, I want to thank
@ Kuma-chan33 for helping me create this story and some      of the characters in it. Thanks Kuma! ^w^

"I hate you so much," I stated with hatred leaking from my every word, staring out into the sky.

"Why did you do this to me?" I whimpered heavily. "Why?! Why did you have to take them away from me?! Give them back!" Tears ran down my face as I hugged myself. "Give my parents back to me! Please!" I reached into the sky, attempting to grab anything but I only caught a ringing sound in my ears.

With a jolt, I opened my eyes and realized that I'm still in bed, my alarm clock screaming on my white nightstand.

"A dream?"

I grabbed my square, black-rimmed glasses from my nightstand on the left of my bed and applied them to my face. I turned off my alarm then slowly got off my bed and stood up, looking around my small room.

"Why did they have to leave and make me live in this apartment? All it is is a single room and bathroom. Well..there is a kitchen."
I made my way to the refrigerator across from my bed and pulled out a piece of bread and a jam jar.

"Why must the kitchen be so close to my room? What am I saying? I don't have a room. All I have is a small bed."

I shut the refrigerator's door, grabbed a butter knife from a nearby drawer, and walked over to the small brown table next to my bed. I sat down on a brown chair next to it and placed the jam on the table and put the bread into the blue toaster that was sitting on top of the table.

As I waited for it to turn crisp brown, I stared blankly at the toaster.

"I hope nobody talks to me today. Especially those teachers. I know they like me because I get high grades and not because of who I am. They can't fool me. Especially those girls who try to make friends with me. I don't need any friends let alone want them. I don't want anything to do with anybody."

My thoughts flashed back to a few years ago. A group of men pointed machine guns at me and my parents during a robbery at a bank.

"I had told my mom I wanted to go to the bank to get some money to buy some toys but...I really wish mom had refused. I really wish she did."

The men collected money from everybody in the bank including my parents. Just as they were about to leave, the police came. The robbers stayed in the bank and used everyone as hostages. The robbers killed one person to show the police that they were serious and my father didn't like that. He attacked them and attempted to take one of their guns but he failed. The robber shot him and just as he was falling to the ground, mom ran toward him. They shot her, needlessly.

"Eventually, the police were able to save some of us but...not all of us."

The toast popped out from the toaster, bringing me back from my thoughts. I slowly spread jam onto it's surface and later returned the jam to the fridge and the knife to the sink.

I walked over to my bathroom and started brushing my long black hair. As I brushed, it fell to my fingertips, tickling them slightly.

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