What's Meant To Be

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I wanted to scream. No sounds would come. I watched in absolute horror as the newsreport said, "Breaking news, a car crash on 17th and main has become deadly. If you can see, this car hit another car, rolled down a hill and then crashed into a tree. The victims were Tracy Morgan and Michael Morgan. They have two daughters, who will be named later on tonight."

That one news report changed my life. My parent's were Tracy and Michael Morgan. My life is over, I thought. A few seconds later a knock was placed on my front door. Catia, my sister, looked through the peekhole then opened the door.  "Catia! Oh my, you've grown so much, c'mere..." She wrapped her arms around her neck and brought her in close for a hug. "Aunt Mia?" I asked squinting my eyes at her.

"Kania! I haven't seen you since you were a teeny baby! Oh god, are you okay! No don't answer that!" I wrapped my arms around her waist and stood there as warm tears slid down my face. I took deep breaths. Aunt Mia stroked my back as Catia suddenly noticed the bags in the corner. 

About two minutes later, the news came back on. 

"More on the car crash that happened just an hour ago. The police and FBI found that it was a SUICIDAL crash. The wife was pregnant at the time. Police say the man didn't want another child and hit that car on purpouce. More tonight." 

Suicidal? SUICIDAL? 

I yanked my head around to the bags in the corner. "Dad did plan this!" I yelled "HE PLANNED IT, CATIA! HE PLANNED IT!" Tears started racing out of my eyes. My head hit my knees. 

"This is all my fault!" I moaned. Aunt Mia said, "No it's not. You didn't know."

"But I did!" I shouted back. "Mom had been acting strange and then Dad was getting angrier. I knew something was up but I never said anything! If I had, Dad would of changed his mind. I could of had a baby sister or brother! It's my FAULT!!"  

"Catia go put the bags in the car please," Mia said. A few seconds later I heard the door open and close. 

"Kania... this is NOT your fault. You didn't understand. It's going to be okay. EVERYTHING will be okay. Now I haven't seen you in sixteen years but hell's bell's I know you're too sweet and kind. If you knew that your momma was pregnant I coulda heard you from here to Canada."

"You live in Canada?" I asked. "I'm moving to Canada?!" 

BEEP! BEEP! The car horn honked. I rushed out side to see a black limo outside. Aunt Mia came out a few seconds later with more bags and a key in her hand. "You wanna lock it?" She tossed me the key and I caught it. Mia went down the porch steps to the limo. She shoved the bags inside the back. 

Slowly, I put the key inside the key hole. I turned it. I knew it would be a long time before I ever came back here. 

I knew that life would be different, harder.

But never had I ever expected life in Canada to be like this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2013 ⏰

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