Chapter 28: Trust Me

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Leslie's POV

Ashton sped down the barren streets of Los Angeles. "I hope he didn't try to kill himself again" Ashton whispered barley audible. We arrived at the emergency entrance, Ashton rushed to my side of the car to open my door. Even in the most stressful times he has the time to be a gentlemen. We both rushed into the hospital. "Micheal Clifford?" Ash asked the nurse and she pointed to the nearest room. Ashton busted through the door. Micheal was lying on the bed curled up into a ball, still crying. He has an IV stuck into his wrist. "Luke, what happened?" Ash questioned. "He was crying so much that he dehydrated himself. The nurses are giving him loads of fluid to make him feel better." Luke informed us. "Oh thank god" Ashton whispered.

After a few hours we brought Micheal to the hotel where we mad him eat some food and drink a lot of water. After eating he knocked out on his bed. "I'm gonna go check on Bella, Calum, Sage, and Emily." I announced. I kissed Ashton's cheek and hugged Luke. I looked and Micheal one last time kissing his forehead. I walked out of the room and walked down the hall. I slid my key in the slot and opened the door. "Bradley?" I questioned looking at the male figure sitting on the bed. "I just came to check on her, since I heard what happened to Micheal." He looked at me. "You know I love her right? You and I both knew they weren't gonna last the tour." He turned around and kissed a fast asleep Bella on the forehead. "I'll see you later Leslie." He walked past me and shut the door behind him.

An Hour Later

I ordered breakfast for the four us. Calum left after he woke up to go help Micheal. Emily sat at the little table eating her pancakes. I watched Bella stir in her sleep. She turned herself towards me with her eyes open. "Good Morning" I whispered as she yawned. " Morning" She sniffled. "You want some food?" I asked and she nodded. She walked towards Emily and I. She sat down at the table and grabbed herself a plate of food. "What is the plan today?" Bella tried her hardest to smile at us. "Well we've got an interview with Jimmy Fallon at 3:30. But then we are free the rest of the day" I smiled "I'm going out with Luke for our one year anniversary." Emily added. "Congrats Em!" Bella hugged her.


We sat in the backstage area of the Jimmy Fallon show. The boys were also recording an episode right before us. Bella sat in front of the mirror getting her hair and make up done, while the rest of us watched the recording show. "So Micheal, newly single I hear?" Jimmy questioned and Mikey nodded. "The only one in the group single" Micheal choked "but i'd prefer not to talk about it" he added. Jimmy nodded showing that he understood and he continued the interview. Then the boys performed She's Kinda Hot and Jet Black Heart. They then said goodbye to the audience and walked off stage. "Alright girls and Bradley, you're up" Henry smiled. We walked down the hallway keeping Bella the farthest away from the on coming boy band. "You did great babe" I smiled kissing Ashton's lips and then proceeding down the hall.

"Please welcome Mixtape! A upcoming girl band." Jimmy announced us. We walked on to the stage hugging Jimmy one by one. We all sat down on our chairs, Bradley sat in between Bella and I, which wasn't the plan. "So girls, and Bradley what can we expect from the debut album?" He asked. "All of our music has a story, it is all true and stuff that most young women have gone through and have felt." I spoke with a smile on my face. "Now this video" He paused and played the video from BuzzFeed. "Why did you do it Bradley?" He asked and we all turned towards Bradley. "Well I've had very strong feeling for Bella from the very beginning and it all finally came out. Bella and Micheal have been having a lot of problems recently" Bradley continued on. Bella was messing with the ring on her finger. It was the knot ring Mikey had given her on their one year anniversary she slowly slid it off her finger and slipped into her back pocket.

"I'm sorry Jimmy, but can we move on" I interrupted Bradley. "Absolutely" He smiled and continued on to his next question. He finished interviewing us and we performed Imperfect Me, and Hey. We said our goodbyes and walked backstage. Luke waited in the room with Sage and Calum. "Thank god. They just kept kissing" Luke complained. "Kissing" Emily gasped. She pulled Luke by his collar and kissed him, jumping into his arms not disconnecting their lips. "EW! Stop, I get it! I won't do it again" Sage closed her eyes and Emily jumped down, the rest of us laughed our asses off. "I'll be right back' I smiled and opened the door. I went across the hallway into the boys dressing room. "She took of the ring Ash! She doesn't want me back!" Mikey shouted "That is not what that means" Ash tried to be optimistic. "How do you know!?" Micheal spat. "I just know Mikey, trust me" Ashton pulled him into a hug.

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