Chapter 7

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I burst open the door and Connie was relaxing.

"Class has me so done today."

"Ah, the joys of college, by the way, that girl called and she wants to meet up with you."

"What girl?"

"She says she knows you and has some information to give you, and I told her you would go, she texted from a private number."

"Conieeeeee, are you crazy? What if she's some psycho killer?"

"She's harmless, I'm sure, she's five foot one, and you're five six, it she tries anything, beat the living shit out of her, beat her up so bad, she shrinks."

"Goddamn Connie, how many fights you been in?"

"Let's see, Karen, Ashley, Bella, Jain, Raina, Victoria, Maria, Su Jin, Carli, Cameron, John, Matthew, MacKenzie, Ms. Robinson, Pastor's daughter, Sasha, Ashley D, Kim, Azalea, Minaa, Sara, Dawn, Jocelin, Cassie, Kasey, Casidy, Arianna, Esperanza, Dora, Uma, Francis, Asia, Cali, Yukimo, Mrs. Swivels, Principal Cusack, and my Dad when he hit my Mom."

"Goddamn, people of all races, teachers, principal, boys, and Pastor's daughter, savageeee, anyways I'm going. "

"She said meet her at Starbucks around this time, go you're already late. "

I arrived at Starbucks and looked for a girl her description. Pink hair, gold contacts, short, and dressed like a damn fool. She had on green skinny jeans, a leopard print red shirt, yellow snakeskin heels, and a damn blue scarf. Bitch what the fuck you doing? Turn around and go back to ths house, my grandmother dresses better than you do.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Take a seat and find out."

"I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything, I'm Sarenity, and I'm fucking your man, but you dont care about him right? So I can continue what I'm doing right bitch? "

I smiled and said, "no bitch."

I slapped her and her face started bleeding. I flipped the table and started beating her down. I didnt care about anything at that moment. Just that she disrespected me. I started punching her and slammed her head against the floor. When i got finished with her she had a black eye, busted lip, and a bloody nose. Then I went home before the employees could catch me.

Sarenity yelled, "This aint over bitch."

"Oh it definitely is, because what you start, I always finish."

I went home and updated Connie.

"She was all like I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything, I'm Sarenity, and I'm fucking your man, but you dont care about him right? So I can continue what I'm doing right bitch? I flipped smacked her, her face was bleeding, flipped the table, and she got a beat down. "

"Wait a minute, Sarenity? "

"Yeah , you know her?"

"Yeah, she's my sister...."

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