Lena Stone

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Gender: female
Personality: Lena is very quiet and aloof. She is not known for words and does not understand others well. Lena is very curious about the world. She loves learning new things. Since Lena has a terrible understanding of others she usually does or say things most people wouldn't expect. Lena does not smile often due to her lack of understanding emotions. You can often find her sleeping or daydreaming. She talks in third person.

Likes: Strawberries, watermelon, yummy smells, to read, to sleep, singing"Lena likes this!"

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Likes: Strawberries, watermelon, yummy smells, to read, to sleep, singing
"Lena likes this!"

Dislikes: spinach, smelly things, math, cliff hangers
"No..this is not good for Lena"

Crush/relationship status: Lena is demisexual? Since Lena does not understand others she has never had a crush or knows what those feelings are.
"Can you...teach Lena?"

Abilities/interesting talents: Lena can balance a spoon on the tip of her nose. She can sing. Her singing is often use control species. Is telekinesis.
"Watch Lena's favorite spoon trick!"

Species: Siren Demon. Lena has the power to lead people to their deaths with her voice.

Age: 15

Family: Lena is the last of triplets. She has a sister named Lenora and a brother named Leon.
Her parents never married. Her mother being a fallen angel and her dad an inccubus. Both her parents are well and alive. Her sister attends Crescent Moon as well. While her brother Leon is out and about being an inccubus and trying to get into underworld politics.

Other: Lena came to school to delay having to play the role as a Siren Demon. Since she does not fully understand others or their emotions she does not just want to kill them. Her parents are pushing for her to take over her responsibility as soon as possible. Would Lena make a great Siren Demon?

 Would Lena make a great Siren Demon?

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