Part I

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It was another regular day in the Imperial Capital and you were just walking around the city, enjoying the outdoors and fresh air. Then, while you were walking, a poster posted on the wall of a house caught your attention and you walked up to it so you can have a closer look.

You: So there's a combat tournament being held in the city's stadium huh? And the winner gets a high amount of cash by the host? *Grin appears on your face* I'm game.

With that said and done, you rushed back home to prepare for the tournament.

At the Imperial Capital Stadium....

Back at the stadium, the tournament had already started and it's becoming a huge hit. After the seventh match had ended and the victor decided, everyone in the stadium cheered, all except for one. She had light blue hair, blue eyes, and wore clothes that are military like.

Unlike everyone else, she saw the matches as a waste of her time and barely enjoyed any of them. But the next fight will be one that'll get her full attention.

Referee: *Looks to his left* In the left corner, the king of the mountains, Mammoth the Fierce!!

*Mammoth comes out and crowds cheer*

Mammoth: YEAH!! YEAH!! *Crowd continues to cheer*

Seryu: He looks pretty strong.

Esdeath: True, but he has too much pride based on his response to the crowd's cheering.

Mammoth: Who shall face Mammoth next!? Mammoth will crush opponent like tiny potato!!

Wave: *Sweat drops* I already feel bad for the guy that'll face him.

Referee: *Looks to his right* And in the right corner, from the Capital itself, (M/n) the (Insert title name)!!

After you heard your name being announced, you entered the arena and walked towards the center. As you kept walking, everyone around you began to cheer for you, even though the don't know who you are.

Esdeath x Male Reader - The Right PathWhere stories live. Discover now