Mystery guy?

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At school there's two baddest bitches me and me. I'm captain of the cheerleading team and you know what that means, it means I run things around her what ever I say go's. I remember when there was literally two bad bitches me and my arch enemy who use to be my best friend until she didn't attend my party because her mom was dying from an ill brain tumor aka brain cancer. She could have skipped that whores death and celebrated my birthday with me considering I've known her for my whole life and it was my 13th birthday I was basically becoming a women. I helped her take her tampon out once because her mom was sick and her dad was working almost every second and didn't know how to raise a child of his own. That bitch she always pops up in my mouth I won't give her anymore time to even be acknowledged in this world from my mouth anyway, every morning I ride my 2017 Mercedes Benz to school because it's so hyped no one else in the world has it because my dad payed for the car 6 months before it was publicly released and 3 months before it was announced I've only had it for a week but I'll be getting a new car once its publicly announced so I won't look broke or cheap,
My devotes are all rich beautiful girls who has things going for themselves but sadly they'll never be as catty as me or beautiful either,
We have Samantha Tramp whom is known for her breast remember when I was talking about triple k well her parents let her get the surgery and all the boys are after her she had them lining up drooling over her with hard dicks in her hand bulging out there pants white black and Mexican the boys are dumb crazy over her.
Then we have Jessica Amuah she is the basic black bitch you see in the movies screaming over unnecessary things big boobs, big ass , fighting over hot sauce and watermelon, weave wearing and all Jessica is our black God with the excuse of me she's all about equal rights and black power it's not surprising considering her grandfather is Nelson Mandela she dates the hot black quarter back of the football team whom is known for fucking bitches over her back but you know what they say the bigger the dick the bigger the hoe
Cloè Collins who's had more relationships then I can count on both hands and toes in this year and more than Samantha's bra sizes. Cloè is a hopeless romantic and believes she will find love one day and get married that same hour. It's pretty sad to see her not with someone. When she's single she begins to gain weight and eats a ton of junk food, like carbs, she is so not a feminist such as myself which I can not stand and the only reason she hasn't been replaced by a much beautiful high school bad bitch is because I feel terrible for her. The truth is we have been looking for replacements and rumor is she's getting replaced by a gay and everyone knows her mom Suzanne Collins writer of popular books like the hunger games trilogy, money is declining rapidly and sooner or later she'll be begging all of us to stay in our houses and me I'll tell her she simply can not because she is out of the group because she's fat ugly and flat out broke.
Harvey milk is soon to be cloè's replacement. He's the first openly gay at palo high school you'd think this would be common since this is California were talking about but nope no other gay has flamboyantly came out the closet and I'm going to get to the bottom of this by using my new followers knowledge he'd tell me everything because any way it goes he's my cousin his mom and my mom are sisters so that make us two first cousin so I would be cancelled out as the person to hold his gaybe for nine months because that baby would be slower than Angelina and Brad pits illegitimate child. Harvey says the reason for the lack of gays is because of the stereotypes they are set by half of them don't even know there gay they believe its something all guys do they believe if they don't act all feminine they shouldn't classify themselves under that category but if you were to ever walk in the guys locker room half of them are making out or fucking and in the bathrooms there is totally blowjobs being given to each other in ever other stall, and their mostly sweaty muscle hunky football jocks and they wouldn't come out the closet if their souls existence depended on it.
Samantha said she'd never seen a real live gay and made Harvey so uncomfortable it was so awkward for me I thought it but of course did not say it I've known he was gay all his life I was probably the one that made him gay I use to dress him up in my heels and long silk dresses and put one of my moms wigs on him, everyone at the table but Cloè treated him like a freak show and I didn't know if Cloè only treated him normally because of her nymphomanictic constant behavior or because she knew the end was near but I couldn't take it any longer I stood up and told all them bitches to leave my table and sit at individual tables by themselves to make them think about what they did and I did so with a basic thumbs down to each of their faces but not Harvey's because I needed him to spill the tea as much as I needed Samantha to stop sitting her left tit on the table to balance out the weight on her neck and eventually yes girl he spilt the best tea in Palo history like we was on the Wendy Williams show.

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