Chapter 7

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Tobias's P.O.V

Last night. I can barely remember, all I can remember is being furious. Furious at...Tris. I turn over on my side and see her laying there, sleeping. What happened I get up to go to the bathroom but as I take off the blanket the cold air hits me hard. Like a freight train crashing into a brick wall. The air took me by surprise so I throw the blanket on. I'm naked. Completely naked. What the hell happened last night. All of the sudden the images and sounds all together memories flood back. I was so furious I took advantage of my love.

I decide to stay lying down. Not long after Tris wakes up. She's smiling. "She won't be for long" I think to myself and I was correct. She looks confused, looking under the covers she finds her naked body and she looks horrified. She looks at me and her eyes water. "Tobias," she says to me "What have we done ?" she's scared of what I'm going to say, so am I. I don't want to jeopardize or relationship, I don't want her to think I...I raped her. If that's what she thinks It was nothing like that. 

She looks at me. She looks kind of frightened. I try to sound calm. "Tris. Tris calm down. I have to tell you something but, I dont want you to think of me any differently." She appears to listen more, "Do you remember anything. Anything at at all that happened last night?"

She shakes her head, "Not much...only you being drunk and...and...and," she gasps loudly. "Tobias no. You wouldn't do that. We wouldn't do that"

"Tris baby don't think of it like that. I don't want you to think I took advantage of your hurt state. Because I didn't do that. I would never do that."

She grabs more of the sheet and sits up. I can just barely make out the marks of my hands on her arms. I bruised her I left a mark. I. Am. A. Monster.

She grabs scoots as far away from me on the bed as she can then she realizes her arms. Her eyes turn as big as saucers. She grabs a pillow and throws it at me. Crying now she grabs a spare sheet, wraps it around herself and proceeds to the bathroom.


I made her scared. I made her cower in fear. At me. At me of all people. I hear the shower water running so I get up to grab some clothes. All of a sudden my back starts to sting. My back hasn't stung like this since...since...Marcus. A little frightened the I go stand in front of the full length mirror, so I can try to examine my back. I dont get a full picture but I can get a glimpse at a time. My back is marked. With srcatches. Shallow scratches. Nail marks made by Tris Prior.

She left a mark and...she's getting out of the shower. I remember being fully naked so I grab a sheet and wrap it around my waist. She comes out of the bathroom fully clothed. When I walk into the bathroom briefly before I close the door I can see her. She stares at my back then I close the door.

Time lapse
Tris' POV

"Why do you think he would do something like that? He would never try to hurt you."

"Chris, I know what happened. He left marks for the love of dauntless cake!!"

Christina shakes her head and yawns, "Girl, what you need to do is talk to him. Also please mind the fact I'm supposed to he working."

I totally forgot about that, "Sorry to disturb you." I walk away without any other word. I would be able to talk to her when she's dine working. For niw i need to find a place to collect my thoughts

Time lapse
Four's POV

"Zeke you don't understand. I took advantage of her but I didn't mean it. It wasn't intentional. I was drunk, I wasn't thinking."

"Four, buddy, best friend. Its okay calm down you guys did the f-" I cut him off.

"Don't say that. She feels like I raped her. I feel like garbage. I left a mark on her, Zeke!"

Uriah cuts in, "If I heard you correctly earlier...she also cut up you back.And if you ask me that ment she probably was-" I give him a death glare... If looks could kill he would be dead beyond dead. He clears his throat, "-you know it really wasn't that important."

"Man you gotta take the dauntless road for once. I dare you to take this up with Tris for yourself. The choice is yours." At that Zeke and Uriah get up to leave. They leave me there alone. Do I take the dare or do I peel a piece of the love and honestyme and Tris have off of my body like a article of my own clothing. Anyhow Zeke was right.

The choice is mine.

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