Chapter 4

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I woke up to teacup shaking me. "Hey get up we are all going to start our jobs"I yawned and stretched I was about to get up but felt the baby kick. I smiled to myself and teacup left. I got up put on my clothes and walked out of the office and saw everyone lined up perfect not saying a word and honestly I thought it was hilarious. "Y'all don't have to be all ya know  I'm 17 and pregnant don't act so serious" they all laughed and went off to start their jobs. "Cassie come on" she nodded and we left. Once we pulled to the back of the broken down Walmart me went in the storage depo and just started grabbing boxes with gender and size. Once we got some of the clothes we went to get can foods which there were hardly any but we got what was there. As we pulled up to the base we got out and started packing boxes of clothes to the bunks. We had boxes stacked on boxes pushing them to the bunks. I knocked and Sam answered. We pushed the boxes in and we looked at each other trying to catch our breath. "What are these for" I went in front of the boxes "clothes to last us for a while" they all smiled and cheered "now let's get clothes sorted threw and put in everyone's lockers" I gave ringer a box Cassie a box Sam a box teacup a box and Ben a box. I sat on a chest and opened mine up already loving all the clothes.
Once we were all done we went to the shooting range then we ran and they did the obstacle course. I went to the cafeteria and made eggs and beans. I put them on plates and on the tables with water. When they walked in from taking showers they all started smiling and digging in. "This is so good" I laughed at ringer "yeah get used to it till we start gardening" they all nodded and I got up and walked to my dads office. Once I was there and sat down in his spinning chair. I looked at his drawers and opened them up to see things I drew when I was little. I opened another drawer and there was a little camera and a bunch of pictures of me and my adopted parents. I didn't realize it till now but he might be dead. *knock* I hurried and wiped my tears away to see Ben standing at the door "hey, you okay" I nodded "yeah I'm fine" I got up and pushed the chair back in. I wiped my face again and he came running over giving me a hug while i cried in his chest "he's gone" he squeezed me and I looked up at him. "No matter dead or alive he will always love and care for you." I nodded and he slowly leaned in we kissed we actually kissed. "Umm I'm going to go umm to take a shower" I walked threw the hallway and past the bunks into the bathroom. Once I got out of the shower I changed into a oversized military shirt and rolled the sleeves up. I put socks on then I ran out of the bathroom and bunk room. I walked down the wide hallway and all you could here is me. I went outside and on the side of the building i slowly went up the ladder kinda scared that I would fall and kill both of us but I actually got to the top safe and sound. I went over to the cemented part and put my blanket down and laid on it looking up at the stars. It was beautiful a thousand stars up in the sky just twinkling. "It's beautiful" I snapped my neck towards the ladder to see Ben in his sweatpants and long sleeved shirt. " it is" I looked back rubbing my stomach. "May I join you" I smiled  "sure" he laid beside me putting his iarm under my head and the other one propping his up and we talked and laughed all night till I fell asleep in his arms.
I woke up wrapped in his arms. "Wake up" I lightly shook Ben "well hello beautiful" I blushed a bright shade of pink. " hello handsome" he got up then helped me up. Once we went down the ladder we walked inside hand in hand and went our separate ways. I walked to my room and changed into jeans a green tank top a jacket and my combat boots. I walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway seeing everyone running from the other side of the hallway with there guns and everything on. Once the got to me Ben gave me a gun. "Some if the others from the base is here and have Sam and teacup" I widened my eyes and he handed me a sniper rifle  "go to our spot and pick me off one by one" I nodded and ran down the other hallway and went up the ladder outside getting on the roof. I shit some then they shot at me it was an on going battle till someone came up behind me and started choking me. I hit the person in the nuts and crawled away then got up they charged towards me and I punched them then they tried punching me but I blocked him and grabbed his hand tossing them together and kicking them in the stomach. I ran for the gun and grabbed and turned around just in time to shoot him.
One the while war was over I climbed down and ran threw every hallway and out the front door to find Ben. We ran to each other and I jumped in his arms "are you okay" he nodded and I lifted his helmet up and kissed him. It was a nice passionate kiss. I hugged him one more time and everyone went to take a shower then go to the conference room to discuss what just happened.

Aftermath Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon