Chapter 6 ~ Black Eyes and Ninja Fights?!

Start from the beginning


Don't you love how I charge at enemies and never think? I believe April sure does love that, note the hint of sarcasm in that statement.

Anyway, April sighed with her shoulders sagging down before whipping out her tessen.

I laughed and smacked one in the head with my foot and then tackled another to the ground.

At first they were stun, probably that we attacked, and then they came at us, various weapons ready.

I kicked another in the stomach and slammed my fist into ones gut.

My breathing started to get heavier and they kept coming. It was like I was being swarmed by a hoard of black blobs, soon to be overcome.

Attacks started getting slow as April and I's backs were pinned by each other's.

"I really wish you called the guys." April told me.

"Sorry, Ape, that's not how I roll," I told her as I swatted a ninja aside.

Suddenly I was tackled from the side and flew into a swarm of the ninjas.

A numerous amount of them grabbed my arms and legs as I thrashed around.

I cursed and struggled against them.

"Nick!" April yelled. She threw her tessen and acted like a boomerang, knocking out the ninjas that grabbed me. It returned to her hand and her face was dangerously calm.

I fell to the ground with a yelp and rubbed my tailbone. "Ouch." I mumbled.

My eyes glanced around, only around ten ninjas left, but that was sill considered a lot. Ten to two, not really a fair fight but it was all we got.

I grabbed a broken pipe and twirled it in my hands. Not a lethal weapon, but it would have to do.

My hand gripped the side of it and started swinging. It was better than just my hands, I have to say that.

April fought amazingly, she was a true girl ninja...uh what do they call them? Kettlecornuich? Oh, yeah, a kunoich.

Soon, the ninjas were gone.

I gasped for air as I let go of the pipe and clattered on the asphalt.

April flicked her tessen shut and put it away, then went to a nearby manhole.

She grunted and struggled with it. "Help me with this," she said.

I walked over and we lifted it together. I dunno how Raph did it, those things are heavy.

Soon we were running through sewer tunnels underground.

I plugged my nose. "Ugh, it stinks down here."

"You'll get used to it in time."

"I don't think so," I mumbled as I followed April.

The sewer scum turned into a different tunnel and light appeared up ahead.

We bursted into what April called the turtles "lair."

The old arcade beeped in the corner as Leo was literately right in front of the TV, I didn't see Donnie, Mikey was eating pizza in the kitchen and Raph was feeding his pet turtle.

I bent down and caught my breath. "Holy...crap..."

Leo's eyes never left the TV, "You and your friend here, April?"

April walked over to him, leaving me gasping for air. "Yeah, you still watching Space Heros?"

"Uh huh, it's an eight hour marathon, no way I'm missing it."

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