"ARE YOU REALLY AN ALIEN!?" A student screamed at the back, which made all the other students scared and started asking me questions. Wouldn't blame them, I mean, if I saw someone falling from the sky... And wearing unusual clothes... I would say it's an alien.

I couldn't say "Nope, I'm actually a real human and you're just a TV cartoon show that I watch all the time and none of you are real and I love you Randy!"... Okay, Maybe the last part is a bit too much... But, I can't say all the other stuff to all of them.
They might think I'm crazy and it will never be the same again, like, they might actually think they're not real and the show won't be the same again. I wonder if anyone in the real world is seeing me right now...
So, I just gotta have to stick with this 'Alien Thing' for awhile.

"Y-Yes, I am an... Alien." I said slowly to make them think I was adapting to their language. But they just panicked and started saying "Kill Her Ninja or else she'll invade earth!". Should've thought of this a bit more though... But the Ninja was just staring at me. I just blushed and looked away, hoping he didn't saw that.
And in that moment, the Ninja pulled out from his suit his sword. Dang, that sword is cool.



"WAIT!" I shouted which made everyone quiet and stare at me, even the ninja who was ready to strike suddenly lowered his sword.
"Yes, I am an Alien... But, I'm not here to invade this so-called 'Earth' of yours..." I explained. I think I nailed it.

" So... WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?!" Debbie shouted now interviewing me and ain't believing I won't invade their earth. No need to shout it..

Now I need to think...

"See... Uh.. I was unwanted from my planet... Being different was a crime there... They observed me and judged me about the way I lived. And so, I was... casted out.. sent out.." I said making it all up. Will I get expiramented on? Just like on Area 51? Cause you know.. People know I'm an Alien.. This will be on the news. I just hope they brought what I just said.

"Oh.... Poor Rogue Alien."

Students started to feel sorry for me and actually believe I was an alien.

I began to feel relieved but then... A thought crossed my mind...


I began searching my pockets and jacket pocket... And I was relived that it was here.... But when I looked at the crowd they thought I was searching for a weapon or something dangerous. The Ninja was also startled and was ready to draw his sword again. I laughed to myself and said it was okay.
"Its okay.. Its not a weapon. Its just my-..." Wait, if I said its just a phone, won't they realize I'm not a Alien? Well, this a different brand though.. So I think they wouldn't notice...

"Its just my... Uh... Portable Hyperactive Optic New Electronic or my P.H.O.N.E.. Version (Brand Of your Cellphone). Its just a device that let's me communicate with my friends and play some games from my.... Home planet." I said as I got it out and showed it to them. They started to calm down and noticed that the P.H.O.N.E was almost the same as their phone but a slight more bigger and bruce-r. So far so good...

"So, What's your home planet called?" Debbie asked getting suspisious about me.

Think (Y/n)!

"Uhm.. Its called... Planet (First Four letters of country/city). Its way beyond the milky galaxy, where your kind hasn't explored yet." I said not even believing the words that came out of my mouth. Students were amaze about me and won't stop asking me question about what's it like back at my home planet.

But then...

"OKAY! EVERYONE GET BACK TO THEIR CALSSROOMS!" P-slim suddenly said.. Everyone groaned and went back inside while I was still wondering will I go with them or not.

Just Passing By (Reader X Randy Cunningham)Where stories live. Discover now