Take Five

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"No, Gilbert, I'm working. Maybe later." The words echoed in Gilbert's head as he strolled aimlessly about the mansion he and Roderich shared. "Maybe later," he scoffed to himself. That had been- what, the fifth time this week? Every day, he'd asked. Every day, the same response would be given. "Maybe later." What was that even supposed to mean? That Roddy was trying and wanted to spend time with him, but couldn't? Or that he was politely trying to brush his lover off? Had Gil been too annoying with his constant asking this week? Was he being clingy and holding Roderich back? All of these questions and more were nearly giving the albino anxiety any time he spoke to Roderich, but he convinced himself that was too awesome for that.

"No, he couldn't possibly be tired of me! He's the one who's always nagging!" Gil tried to assure himself. It wasn't working, damn it! Maybe he really was becoming a nuisance. Maybe it was his fault Roderich felt he wouldn't finish before his deadline. No... Roderich loved him, didn't he? Gilbert would certainly persuade him to take just a short break.

Walking (well, running) down the stairs with a determined grin, Gilbert was once again on a mission for his lover's attention. However, he skidded to a quick stop just outside the music room as his ears were met with less-than-encouraging sounds. An angry and frustrated head-piano could be heard through the thick oak doors, a resounding, clashing, instrumental expression of the composer's current mood. It was Tuesday, and he had still one more movement to finish up by Sunday. Despite the knowledge that he would be interrupting, Gil clenched his jaw and strode in, faking that signature confidence and ease.

"Hey, Roddy! You sound a bit spent. Maybe you should take a break. Stop and take a little time out with me? Just... take five! Five minutes, that's all I'm asking. You'd be stupid to pass up such an awesome offer!" The promise of relief from this stressful deadline Roderich saw in the carefully hidden concern in Gil's mischievous grin was incredible. A chance to unwind, to maybe take a nap or eat for the first time since last night... It was all staring him in the face. All within those beautiful and strange red eyes. But he couldn't. He had to be strong and finish his job, and Gilbert was making it so hard for him!

"Gilbert, I told you that I could not take a break just a few hours ago. Why would my answer have changed?" His tone was cross and his face terse; the red eyed man cringed a bit at the words.

"I thought maybe the awesome me would be able to sway you!" Gil replied, recovering almost instantly and giving a little, carefree twirl to demonstrate his words. Gott, he was persistent!

"You cannot sway my deadline. I cannot take even five minutes for myself until this work is finished! One of us must be competent in earning money. It would be wise of the other to let him do just that. I don't appreciate the distraction." The brunette sighed in irritation.

Still, Gil kept up. "Oh, so you find me distracting, hm?" There was a small eyebrow wiggle that was certainly unappreciated.

"No, I find you annoying! Let me work, okay?!" Roderich was at his wit's end. He'd had it with Gil's nagging and he needed to finish this composition!

That had hit a nerve. He was annoying, loud, unemployed... feeling utterly useless and unneeded. But he would not reveal that, ever. Not even to Roderich at the moment. So, he stuck on an aggravated expression of his own, as if it was not him who was the problem.

"Fine. But maybe you could take five minutes for me, once you get that stick out of your ass." With that, he walked too quickly out of the room, not wanting for the other to see the ugly frown contorting his face and the unusual wetness of his eyes, and certainly not the unsureness of himself he hoped those words had done a good job of hiding. He was the problem, and that's why he would never be spent five minutes on.

Take Five (A PruAus Oneshot Songfic)Where stories live. Discover now