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Running as fast and far as you can go.

Hearing footsteps behind you, as the trees start to blur.

Hearing more footsteps on either side of the trees.

You ran faster to not get caught.

They will never trust you again...

...As you fall, you turn to your chasers.

You give them your best glare. Normally, it would work, but they were determined to catch you.

You look to all of them as you pull down the hood of your cloak, most gasped, a few saw it coming.

You look directly into the eyes of two...

...James and Lilly Potter.

But, let's start at the beginning.

It happened in the summer of 1995. For those who don't know important years, it was the summer before Harry Potter's fifth year.

Also the day that James and Lily Potter came back to life. How? No one knows.

It started as a normal July day...


Published: July 8, 2016.

Harry Potter And The New Dark Lordحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن