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do you like/love Sara?
I definitely like her, it's nice to have another cool woman on the team with me. It's a little intimidating because she has the bar for asskicking so high, but for the most part she's been pretty great. As to whether I love her, since we've only known each other a few days (and I keep knocking myself out because I'm a dumbass) that would have to be a pretty basic 'no' but I wouldn't rule it out; I love everyone from my last team so I don't see why this one should be any different. 

which of your new teammates do you find the most attractive?
Oh I don't know man, Leo's got a cool suave vibe but Sara is absolutely gorgeous so I'm gonna have to go with her.

why does no one appreciate you like they should?
I get exactly what I deserve.


do you like/love Maya?
Well, she has been unconscious for most of our time together, but from what I have seen she's pretty great. And just pretty in general, not gonna lie. But no, I don't love her because as I said, we just met. Although I will say that I didn't hate carrying her bridal style to the medbay.


why were you so mean to Maya even after she helped you kill Savage?
After what that woman did I'm shocked The Flash and his friends decided to team up with her and not lock her up. She should just be glad all I did was give her the cold shoulder, I don't care what Rip or anyone else says, she will never be a hero. 

what's with all your rudeness?
This again? Why does everyone think Maya is a saint? She's a walking nightmare, but because she's pretty everyone just looks the other way. I won't apologize for not liking her. 


what do you think about everyone on the waverider?
Very vague question so I'll be vague right back. Rip is a pretentious ass. Jax is the awkward ninth wheel we can't get rid of. Kendra talks way too much about being a barista. Carter is dead now so I got nothing to say about him. You already know how I feel about Mick. Ray is smart rich guy who never actually became a man. Stein is a walking science text book. Sara is the coolest lady I know and she could totally kick my ass.   

what are your opinions on Maya?
Okay, let me start by saying that she broke my finger the first time we met so I was damn ready to hate her, but (and don't tell her this) she's actually not that bad. And she's nowhere near as self-righteous as Barry, so that's another thing going for her. Now I feel like this is dragging on so I'll wrap it up by saying this, basically, if there was a fire near her and I had my gun with me I'd probably put it out to save her. 

when are you going to kiss your wife?
The only thing I'm going to be kissing is the money I get in my next heist.


so you and Maya?
What about me and Maya? Stein get out of my head man.


how are you Rip's AI for the waverider when other timeships have different one's working their ships?
My programming does not allow me to answer. 

do all timeships AI's names start with a G?
I'm afraid I am only an expert on what goes on inside my own ship.


do you miss Maya as a friend or maybe even more?
Are you kidding me? I miss her every damn day, no one else ever laughed at my jokes or got my super awesome references and the lab feels really empty without her around. And for whether we were more than friends, I don't know what to tell you man; what happens in the lab stays in the lab. Ask anyone else and they'll tell you the same thing (or at least they better) 

will you make an appearance on the waverider?
I'd say that the odds are definitely in my favor.

on a scale from one to ten, how much do you miss Maya?
Come on man, 12 for sure.


were you and Maya best friends before she left?
Sure. When she gets home I'm slapping her for not saying goodbye in person.

thank you for all of your great questions

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