As the bell cut Ms.Fox off, I picked up my books and walked out the class, thanking god that another day of misery was over. But the raven haired boy called out, stoping me from my tracks. I turned around on my heel, finding that Zayn was right behind me.

         "Flora, are you heading home straight now or are you going anywhere else?", he asking, biting his lip. Zayn was actually known for his lip bite and apparently girl found that to be 'sexy', and now I understood why.

         I hesitantly said, "I don't know, I might be heading down to Starbucks for a-"

        "Great, I was heading there too. You wanna come with me?"

        Did Zayn just offer me to go to Starbucks with him? Was this actually happening? He was asking me, Flora Sterlings, to go to Starbucks with him.

         "I, uh, I don't know Zayn. I-"

         "Come on, but I'm paying for you. Please?", he begged, with a puppy dog look on his face. And once again, I wondered why he was being so nice to me.

      This actually wasn't the first time he tried to build up a conversation with me and offer me to go with him for coffee or canteen, but why was he doing all this? I practically had no life, while he did. He had friends, and I didn't. He could go with them right? Why me?

       "Zayn mate! The boys and I are planning to head to the movies now, you wanna come?", Harry, the attractive curly haired boy in Zayn's group walked out of the class with the rest of his friends Liam, Louis and Niall. To be honest, they were really attractive boys, but they were already taken, except for Niall and Zayn.

       Zayn shook his head, "Another time Haz, I'm actually heading out with-"

      "Zayn it's okay, maybe another time.", I cut Zayn off, not wanting to embarass him infront of his friends. I knew that they would all think Zayn was crazy if he cancelled his plan of going to the movies for me. 

       Zayn shook his head again, "Flora, it's okay, I always go to the movies for them. I want to go somewhere else for a change." He looked at Harry who was standing beside him with a confused expression in his face, "Haz, I'll see you later."

        "Bu-but Zayn, what's wrong with you? Why are you going with Flo-"

        "Bye Harry.", Zayn's harsh tone surprised all his friends, and it surprised me aswell. He quickly grabbed my palm in his and dragged me away with him. His huge hand around mine sent chills down my spine. Zayn held my hand for the very first time. Zayn Malik was holding my hand. Zayn Malik. Let me just point that out.

        As we walked out of school, he still didn't let go off my hand. We practically looked like a couple and I felt really awkward. Obviously, we were being darted with shocked stares from others. Zayn's shoulder brushed mine as we walked our way to Starbucks.

      "Zayn, you didn't have to be rude to Harry for me.", I said, my voice coming out lower than a whisper. He chuckled, "I had to. I always spend time with them and I don't get to spent time with anyone else. It's alright, it was worth it."

        It was worth it. He said it was worth it.

       He wanted to spent time with me.

  "No Zayn, they are your friends. I don't have any friends. You can't just ditch your best friends for me. I am a-"

        "You are my friend Flora, and I'm hanging out with you. So that counts, right?", he cut me off, surprising me. He called me his friend.

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