"Of course it's a date, love. It's obvious he likes you. He wants you Mil! And you've had a crush on him like forever now! It's a date! And you know it!"

She tells me, then drags me to the bathroom, starting to flat iron my hair.

I text out into my notepad, reminding her that we aren't going anywhere until after school.

She just shrugs.

"You won't have time to get ready after school. Plus you are leave with him RIGHT after school. Therefore this is your only time to get ready!!"

She sings like a bird. I face palm and she laughs and does my hair, along with dressing me in tight, white skinny jeans, along with my slightly loose Sleeping With Sirens shirt.

What does she think I am? Some kind of sick whore that wants everything. It isn't even a date! Just friends hanging out. Ugh! My perfectionist friend finally leaves me alone after doing my hair, dressing me, and giving me my beanie, then doing my makeup.

I groan as I run out of the house as soon as I tie my converses, and jump into her car. I watch her run to the driver seat and start the car, driving me to the school.


I finally get to jump out of the car and kiss the ground. Did I mention that Zoe drives like a maniac? Well, now I did.

She drives off after saying a goodbye and I slowly and shyly make my way toward the school doors. There are still people waiting outside. I am pretty early.

I walk through the doors, successfully unnoticed, making my way to my locker, but also waving to a couple of people that told me hey.

I am surprised when I see Andrew waiting at my locker impatiently. He looks like he's searching for something really hard. He sure is concentrated.

I smile and approach my locker casually walking with my head down. I acted as if I hadn't noticed him and also realised that he was standing two rows of lockers away. Not particularly my locker.

I frown a little and put in my combination, throwing my backpack into my locker and sticking my lead pencil in my back pocket, my English books being clung onto by my left hand while I scroll through Facebook on my phone.

Of course there was nothing interesting on Facebook, so I put my phone in my other back pocket after putting it on silent and slamming my locker shut a little harder than I meant.

I saw Andrew jump from the view in the corner of my eye from my abuse of the locker and he sighs, gives himself a retarded look, and I look up at him as he walks up to me.

"Erm..uh...hey Milena."

He says shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks nervous and stressed out.

I waved in return. He smiled and frowned for a second, yawned, then smiled again. For some reason he has been yawning a lot lately. Hmm...I'll ask.

I take my phone out of my pocket and type the question on my mind.

It read:
Are you getting enough sleep? You have seemed really tired the past couple of days...?

He reads my phone and passes it back casually.

"Oh, erm, yeah. Smile- I mean Sparky, my dog, and Sally- erm, my uh...I've had a lot of homework to do. Y'know with football and stuff it is hard getting everything done and all and y'know...uh...well...what I was going to ask you is are you still up for after school?"

He stutters and finally chokes out the last part. I give him a completely confused look the entire time. What is up with him?

I blink hard and smile, nodding my head to answer his question and his bright smile beams to me. I smile wider then I try not to smile. I hate my smile. Ugh. My poor insecurity.

"Oh, thank god. I thought you wouldn't want to go anymore..."

He states simply.

I cock my head in confusion and return to my normal stance when he smiles and laughs brightly.

"I love it so much when you're confused! It's adorable Mil!"

He beams.

I blush and look down. Why do I have to keep blushing around him?

I hear the first bell ring and he opens his mouth to say something, but closes it again, then opens it up again.

"Well, we better get to English."

He smiles. I nod and lock arms with him as he leads me to class like a gentleman. I totally forgot that I have all of my classes with him. How could I forget that?

I take my seat and he sits right in front of me. Seriously? How could I possibly forget this?

I take my big, black, hooded sweatshirt I grabbed from home and pull it over my head, leaving the hood on my head and lying my head down on my desk as the rest of the class walked into the room.

I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind me, causing me to look up and turn around, meeting bright eyes of Jake. I smile back and wave as he pokes me in the dimple on my right cheek and I pout. He knows I hate it when he does that.

"Oh c'mon Milena. I know you hate your dimple but it makes you even more adorable if that's even possible!"

He states clearly. I giggle (somewhat) and roll my eyes before turning back around when the tardy bell rings and the teacher walks into the room.

*5 hours later*

I'm glad that juniors and seniors get out of school at 12 noon. Being able to get out of school early gives me power.

I feel more in charge over the sophomores and freshman. Not really, I feel that it's unfair.


I get out of the home economics classroom as fast as possible, rushing to my locker and putting all my books away, grabbing my backpack and checking my makeup and hair in the mirror before closing my locker when I notice Andrew approaching his locker, which don't forget, is right beside mine.

He puts his books away after smiling at me and I smile back and look at the ground while he shuts his locker, quietly this time, smiling at me again after lifting my chin up, causing me to blush.

"You ready to go? We can go anywhere you like. Lunch is on me."

He grins and I shake my head. I don't want him to waste his money on me. And I don't want to pick. Because what if he doesn't like what I pick? Then it ruins it all.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and type that all out. He shakes his head and lightly chuckles.

"I won't make you pick if you don't want. But I do want you to pick, I'll give you a couple of choices, plus, I'm totally going to pay for you. I told you, lunch is on me."

I blush and look at the ground. Why is he so nice? Especially to me. I frown at my thoughts and still frown when he pushes my chin up again.

He purses his lips into a flat line and his eyes fill with concern.

"Milena, hun, what's wrong?"

He says. Why does he look so worried?

I smile and shake my head as I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him ever so tightly. He pauses and it takes him a minute until he wraps his arms around my waist tightly, returning the hug except a lot tighter than my own.

He chuckles and I slowly pull away and stare into his eyes. His dark brown eyes connecting with my hazel ones, and we share a moment of compassion.

There's something in his eyes that's shows so much emotion, but I can't read the exact emotion. I almost cock my head in confusion, but I stop myself and let my hands fall from around his neck and I smile at him.

He takes his hands from around my waist and links our fingers together as he holds my hand and leads us out of the school, to his car.

I get the weird feeling as soon as I step out of the school, that I'm being watched. I was praying that the last time I felt this, that it would be the last. And now it's back again.

I mentally curse myself as I search the parking lot and the woods across the road before stepping into Andrew's Grey F-360.

I saw nothing. But I knew that IT was there.

Slender, My Love (a Slenderman love story.)Where stories live. Discover now