Chapter 17:.......

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---Brice POV---
It's 4:46 AM, Ty's war starts at 11:00 AM. Now am stuck in here with this hot se-*cough cough* I mean creepy smelly Women! I heard a groan near me and turned around from my breakfast and saw Norah giving me a death glare.

"I heard that butter boy! Remember, I can read minds!?" She shouted. I slouch deep inside the table trying to hide myself and shouted,"Am sorry! I keep forgetting this is a fanfiction of me and seto!" I blushed deeply red and felt somebody was pulling me but with no arms. I looked down and saw I was flying but also saw my body was glowing blue.

I looked at Norah and her right hand was glowing blue and a blue aura was forming around it and she had a confused face. "Seto? Fanfiction? Uhhhhh.... " Trying so hard not to laugh cause her face looks priceless!

All of a sudden her face heated up and I felt her power controlled my right arm and made me slap myself. Oh yeah, she can read minds. "Am double sorry!" I squirt. Norah put me down and I kissed the purple carpet and smiled that I was back on the ground. I quickly got up and stared at Norah, not knowing what to do.

Norah look frustrated but a Lil sad. She turn around and her back was facing me and told me to follow her. I followed her direction like in jai- I mean school. Right, left, right,right,right,left foward,right,long hallway then left, another long hallway but more creeper than the last one then left and a small hallway and revield a white door. She open it and I saw the color of green and blue. Norah walked inside and I followed her and gasp.

Trees, lakes, birds, sky, and fresh air and a warm breeze, it felt wonderful. But I was confused, why did Norah lead me out? "Because I didn't want you to feel like a prisoner." I looked at her, her back still faced to me. I asked her, "Well the truth is, I felt like I was at home." Silence filled in between us, only birds tweeted and leaves swirling.

I saw Norah head got lowerd and and saw a puddle forming near her feet. I wanted to help her or hug her, but I hesitant. I was frightened on what was going to happen next. Hopefully the author knows.

I heard Norah took in a deep breath and her head was up like a soilder would do when they stand up. "Brice, do you remember about our father?"
..."our" father? I stood quietly, letting my bangs cover my eyes. "What do you mean 'our' father?..." Norah turned around to face me, her face was a mess, full of tears.

"Don't you remember me........................b r o t h e r? " My eyes widen, "N-No, your wrong, I never had a sister, my mom told me I never had a sister!" Norah laughed, "But do you know why she told you that." My eyes was getting watering, jf even that's a word. I was confused, Norah spiked, "Do you even remember about our father?"

I shut my eyes, trying so hard not to cry, but I did, opening to revield Norah face and her disgusting grin. I yelled, "I never met my dad!" Norah eyes widen, "You know, am not normal, our "dad" ,or should I say my creater ,made me with dark magic."

I gasp, "B-But, how did he get dark magic!? He's not even a socerses!-" Norah came in close and slapped her hand to my mouth, "Nah, ugh, you said you never met him? You don't even, not possibly know what he is. But here's a little secret, do you know about ty's war? Yeah, I know, I killed his sister that day."

I felt all my anger rushed to me and pushed her off and punch her in the stomach and I ran off to the forest like a wild man. I heard a faint Norah voice, "I'll be back! In case you met seto, tell them I have HER with me!!!!" That's the last thing I heard and I ran and later I started to hear beeping sounds. I kept running and I immediately stopped, I almost ran kff to a cliff, and below me was a big city.
"Woah, where am I?" No time to lose, I gotta know where am I before Tys war starts in hours!

----Seto POV---
novia, alter, and I was walking through the forest and the beeping sounds gets louder. Soon, we saw clear distance and I ran first and saw a big city below us. I heard Novia and alter behind me and rustling noise. I looked at Novia and saw her hand holding a some kind of metal device. She sniffed it..

Not trying to get weird but ask, "So, where's Nightflur?" Novia sniffed it again and told us she was at the other side of the city. My eyes widen and started at alter and she notice and got startled. "What?" she ask. I put my my hands on my hips and crooked my head left and said, "This is a big city, probably 20 miles long and you said that your white rock would take us tow miles close to Nightflur!"

Novia chuckled," I guess our journey is longer." I got a Lil pissed off, "Umm, HELLO!?!? TYS WAR!?!? " They both jumped on my sudden shout and told me to calm down which I did. Alter checked her watch and told us it was 5:13 AM. I sigh, "Come on, Ty's war is almost time, let's hurry." They both nodded and flew down.

---Ty POV--
"I... Don't love you. " "All just a lie." "You think this is a joke!?" "I had never loved you and never will." "You don't know how trueove feels." "Everyone will hate you once they know the real you." "Your nothing to me." "Your just another used body." "Forgive me, come back!" "I dare you.... "

I gasp,then my forehead hurts and I heard a groan besides me. "Wow, I never knew you can give a big headache, hehe" I think I know why my forehead hurts. I inhale and exhale repeatly, sky hug me and comforted me and I cried on sky shoulder. We let go and he ask me if I wanted to tell him what I saw in my nightmare..

"More like what I heard." Sky gave a a small smile and lean in and kissed me. I melted into the kiss and I lick his bottom lip and and let me in. I slid my tongue in and had a tongue fight. Eventuality, I lost and sky sucked on my tongue and I quietly moan. Inside my pants was feeling funny as sky got on top of me but didn't pull out the kiss and his knee went to my member and gave it a little rub. I accidentally moan loudly and sky laugh loudly on how my moan was loud just by a little rub on my member. I was embarrassed, but not too embarrassed once I heard yelling, "Can you two be quiet!? An trying to sleep with meh biggums!" I guess that was Mitch.

I chuckled as I was got off the bed and before I walked out the door, "Ty? Are you nervous about what's gonna happen later?" I stopped, I looked at sky, "About us, or the war? Either way, am not and I think it's time to let our friends know that we're dating." I smiled and walked to the kitchen.

I made myself cereal and when I finished it I started to make pancakes for everyone once they wake up. After that, sky and I are going to tell them that we are boyfriends. I just really hope that they won't hate us for being this way.

Hey meh cookiez,

I hope I made you smile or laugh and if you enjoy this story, IF ONLY IF! You have to leave a like.... O r. I ' l l e a t y o u. Just kidding, I'll never eat my precious (delicious) cookiez! Hehe, but anyway, leave a comment to let me know what you think! Bye bai!

-Dragonovia Out!

1,399 words

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