Male! Neko X Queen! Reader: Black Queen's Ray of Sunlight {Lemon}

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I'm not too good with Neko, so I hope I did good. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of genderbends... I would've preferred just a Yuri lemon, but hey, not my choice... I've been procrastinating so hard, that I actually left my house to play basketball instead of writing... oops. Also, I included my Death Note OC because he is a complete hunk and I needed a character to be your, reader's, partner.


You know... being the vessel of darkness gets pretty fucking annoying at times.

I mean, the constant depression, crippling anger, and, you know, the fact that you legit drag shadows around everywhere you go gets old reeeeal fast.

There are perks though. People stay out of your way, you're super strong and, most importantly, you can hide in your room all day and no one can really fight you on it! You know... this is beginning to sound more like the perks of being single...

Anyways, you've spent your whole life hidden away...

After that weird explosion thingy that had totally wiped out a huuuuge chunk of the map, this happened when your mum was little, she had inherited the power of darkness...

Mommy died giving birth to you, and somehow the fucking power was transferred to you.

Now... a newborn weilding all things dark, and constant anger... yeah, not a good mix.

Daddy couldn't handle it, and so the orphanages let you stay until you were four... and then you were all on your own, out in the big wide world.

You quickly learned the ways of life... that it's a dog eat dog, survival of the fittest world out there. You had no reason to complain though... if you had to kill or steal for your dinner, no one ever saw you... all you had to do was blend in with the shadows.

When you were 8, a local Mafia caught wind of the little girl who can do anything without being caught... and that's where you are now.

The mafia is your home, and has been for as long as you can remember. They took you in, protected you, fed you... and some people actually loved you. Or at least, they acted like they loved you.

And then you met a certain little shit.

You don't actually know his fucking name, but... well, he's a Neko. That's all you can actually call him, since he refuses to tell you his fucking name, and when you ask he gets all pouty.

Anyways, when you'd met that douche, he'd immediately become... attached to you. He. Follows. You. Everywhere.

It's hellish.

And to add to that, he insists you're his. He's so fucking delusional!

Sighing, you throw yourself over your partner's lap. "I just can't stand him Miura! He's so annoying!" You sigh again, pouting a bit as Miura's warm brown eyes continue to scan his surrounding's.

"Come on (n/n)... I'm sure he doesn't mean to piss you off, just tell him how you feel." His gaze slowly deviates from the crowd to you. You sit up, scooting back so your legs are still draped over your partner's.

"Mate, it won't work like that... I have tried to tell him, he doesn't understand!" Whining loudly, you throw your arms around the older man, laying your head against his shoulder.

Miura chuckles, his gentle, pale arms sliding around your waist to pull you closer. "Well maybe you should let someone else claim you~" He purrs sweetly, giving you a confident grin. Laughing lightly, you nuzzle the man, who chuckles with you.

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