Chapter 6 Snakes and Crocodiles

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The next day Sam and Peter set of to the jungle to get some water they brought there axe and bucket ready in case anything. Sam and Peter were both discussing how long it would take for there parents to collect them Sam thought that they would come in 5 hours but Peter thought that they would come the day after tomorrow. It was about two hours late when SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS "what was that?" asked Peter "Well they are called snakes surrounding us." Sam got out his axe and so did Peter splashhhh"And crocodiles Sam" said Peter.
There is only one way through them "We Fight!" Sam and Peter both got out there axes and starting chopping
each of the vipers and crocodiles heads off. They were courageous but once they got out of that they were
exhausted "wElL I tHinK I'm uhhh" said Sam falling
on the ground with a sleepy voice. The next day they went exploring again going to see some new stuff
but when they went a whole gang of vipers came from the
bushes of the jungle. One of them was big
and was going really fast afterwards really you would in your vision just see blood explode from
the acception of Sam killing it and Peter wetting himself.

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