And There Will Come a Time, You'll See, With No More Tears

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The pounding on the door grew in intensity, she grabbed her gun from the nightstand and flipped on the hall light. It was just before four in the morning and whoever it was on the other side of her door had better had a good reason to be there.

She stood on her toes to look through the peephole, to say she was surprised to see Adam was a understatement.

A massive fucking understatement, she undid the deadbolt but left the security chain allowing the door to only open a few inches.

"What're you doing here?" She scoffed. She was angry with him, his words has hurt and now here he was on her doorsteps. It was just a little confusing to her, it was too early to play fucking games.

"Can I come in?" Adam asked, his eyes scanning the quiet hallway, "it's important"

Kim pushed the door closed briefly and quickly slid the chain across and opened it once more, she moved to the side to allow him in, "What is it?" She rested her hands on her hips, she was angry.

He could tell it too, "I needed to talk to you. To tell you I was sorry. I was out of line at Molly's." He picked at his fingers, "it's just I've got a lot going on"

Kim sat on the arm of her couch, "You came all this way just to tell me that?" Her words haunted her, they'd been in this place before but this was different. This was serious, she had a feeling that a lot would change at the end of this conversation. The last time she had said those words to him they ended up in her bed...but this was bigger.

So much was riding on this...this would save them or be the final nail in the coffin that was their relationship.

And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there.
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair.

He stood up and began to pace, "I don't know where to's complicated" he was speaking just barely above a whisper.

"How about the beginning..Adam, start at the beginning" Kim urged him to be forthcoming, "where did we go wrong?"

Adam turned to face her, "I love you...nothing has changed that...nothing ever will" he needed her to know that before he went on.

Kim wiped at her eyes, "Adam.."

He held his hand up, "Can I talk? Cause I don't know if I'm strong enough to tell you..and I'm ready now.."

It was as if she didn't hear him, "You didn't fight for let me, you just let me walk away and then you pushed me into Sean's arms!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face.

"No! It wasn't like that Kim..I swear!" His hands grabbing it at his head, "I couldn't tell you..."

Kim narrowed her eyes at him, "Tell me? What couldn't you tell me.." Suddenly she was scared, she had no idea what he was talking about, "Adam.."

He sat on the couch and buried his face in his hands, Kim swore she saw his shoulders shake as if he was crying.

He choked back the sob, "He begged me not to tell...he didn't want anyone to know Kim"

"Who?" Kim moved closer to him, "Adam, you've got to help me here...I don't know what you're talking about and truthfully..I'm a little scared. You're not making any sense"

Adam dropped his hands and for the first time in a long time looked Kim in the eye, "I've been lying to you..for a long time"

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