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We were leaving in two weeks i couldn't be happier. You see me our parents got us an apartment since we was getting married. It was a nice two bedroom two bath. You in case we had company over. Our parents also decorated and furnished the apartment. We were starting our journey of college together. I hadn't seen much of Sonya and that wasn't like her. I guess i was so wrapped up in my life that i didn't think about her. So when i got up i went down to check on her. Before i got to the door i heard loud voices. Sonya was crying and i wanted to know why.

What is going on here Sonya are you ok. My dad is drunk again and i told my mom what happens when he gets drunk but she doesn't believe me. What are you talking about what happens when he gets drunk. Trina he has been raping me for years. What i never new why didn't you tell me. You are not staying here another night.

Why would you keep this from me. I was ashamed. We tell each other every thing Sonya. When we got to my house i told my parents. We then called the police. How could i not know this i'm so stupid i was too busy living my life. The police was there in a matter of seconds. We explained what was going on. They went straight to her house and snatched her dad out the house. You sick fuck get up. That's your daughter how could you do such things to your little girl.

This explains why she would always be here. The reason she was attached to me. The reason it hurt her so bad when i moved on with Tevin. She didn't have anyone else. We went in the back yard to talk. Tevin and Mike were there now and was shocked by what they heard. Mike liked Sonya alot he often wondered why she never tried to get close to him. I thought it was someone else. Baby i'm here for you.

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