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    It was senior year everyone was so excited because they had made it. There was all kind of senior events shit senior year was a breeze if you did the right things and got all your credits. Trina and Sonya talked about prom since the nineth grade. How they would go together and slay the prom. The theme for this year would be Marlyin Moore. She was sexy and she new how to use it. This prom would be talked about for years to come. Trina wanted her dress to be tight in the front with a low cut and the back as low as it could go. Maybe white since she was still a virgin. Sonya would wear a dress similar but not identical. Hres would be black of course. They both were having there dresses made and they wanted to start early.

    They were in Trina's room on the internet looking for there dresses. Sonya started giving Trina a massage because she was getting frustarated. Then she started massaging her breasts, and then she started massaging her pussy. Trina was good and wet ready to give it to Sonya. They started kissing and rubbing on eachother. Baby lock the door before we get caught. Trina did as she was told. Trina went down first making Sonya toes curl. She began to shiver and scream into the pillow. When it was Sonya's turn to please Trina she laid her down. She flipped her on her stomach and began eating her booty. The feeling was so good that Trina dug her nails in the covers. Then she flipped her over and ate that pussy up. Trina had mutliple orgasams.

    It was now Sonya's turn and Trina new just how she liked it. She tied her to the bed cause she was a runner. Then she went to work with her tongue. Sonya was in love and new no one could ever take her place. She just didn't know how Trina felt about her. She knew that they loved eachother but she wanted more much more.

   Today we are going to our senior breakfast. It will be with other schools as well. The girls were dressed to impress like they always do. When they got there the other schools were arriving as well. Trina noticed this tall handsome atheltic type staring at her and had been ever since they got off the bus. She turned to her side and began filling in Sonya. Sonya was very mad not only is she telling me about another nigga but had to be looking to for her to have noticed and she seemed to like him too. Sonya didn't like this at all Trina was hers all hers.

Before we left the guy came over to say hi. His name was Tevin and he was hot. We chatted a little but decided to exchange numbers. I was looking forward to his call. When we got the bus Sonya had a real attitude. It was very noticeable. What's wrong Trina asked as if  you don't know but whatever enjoy until he breaks your heart. Don't come crying to me cause i don't want to hear it.

   Trina was puzzled cause she had never seen her friend act this way. Was she really jealous i mean no one can take her place. I thought she new that but i need a man. I want a family some day and Sonya couldn't give me that. We will get threw this we always do, but maybe it's time to look at this relationship in a different light.

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