When A Man Fell In Love With A Man

Start from the beginning

"This is all my fault, jagiya. I'm sorry, Mary Kate that I let this happened to you. God, please let Mary Kate live and just take me instead please", Baekhyun was about to jump from the building when he heard a guitar playing somewhere near him. He looked to his back when he saw a guy playing a guitar sitting on a bench.

"Can you leave?!", Baekhyun said. The guy saw Baekhyun at the edge of the building so he approached him.

"What are you doing there?", the guy asked.

"Can't you see? I'm going to jump from this building", - Baekhyun

"Do you want to die?", the guy asked again.

"Are you stupid?!  What do you think am I doing here on the edge of this building?!", - Baekhyun 

"Then fine.... jump", the guy walked away and continue playing his guitar. Baekhyun was about to jump but he was still hesitating. Baekhyun thought that the guy he talked to a while ago left already but he was still there.

"Come on go jump already. I think it will be the best show I will ever watch", the guy laughed a little. Baekhyun was about to jump from the building when the guy pulled him so both of them fell on the ground of the rooftop. Baekhyun's plan of jumping from the building was a fail.

"What are you doing?! I said leave! Leave me alone! I should sacrifice my life just to let my girlfriend live but you stopped me", - Baekhyun

"I may not know you and this is the first time we met but this is not the answer to your problem. Suicide is never the answer to any problem. I'm sure your girlfriend can do it just tell her to fight", the guy said.

"My girlfriend is in a coma and the doctor said maybe she will never wake up", - Baekhyun

"You know what? We're the same. My girlfriend? She's 4 years sleeping on her hospital bed here at the hospital because she's in a coma too and life support is the only thing that can let her live for this long time. The doctor told me she will never wake up. Her parents sometimes thought of giving up on her but I always say to them to trust me because I know someday she will wake up. Look? I'm still here waiting for her and I always say to her "Jagiya, just fight..... fight, jagiya fight", Baekhyun listened to the guy who was trying to cover his teary eyes with his smile when the guy took his guitar that he left a while ago on the bench.

"And this thing? It's the only thing where I get my strength. I always play guitar if I feel sad and alone. I never think of suicide because if I do kill myself, when my girlfriend wake up someday, I know she will be sad if she will know I killed myself. We may not know each other but I just want to say, fight.... just fight. Trust me someday everything will be fine", the guy smiled and he left when the guy came back to him.

"By the way I'm Park Chanyeol and you are?", Chanyeol smiled.

" Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun", - Baekhyun

"Baekhyun? Well that's a nice name", Chanyeol smiled and he left. Days passed by, Baekhyun was always secretly visiting Mary Kate at the hospital hoping that she will wake up. Thanks to the random guy name Chanyeol, Baekhyun was still alive after having an attempt of suicide. After visiting Mary Kate, Baekhyun decided to go to the hospital's cafeteria for food. Baekhyun bought coffee and croissant bread but the cafeteria was loaded of people and had no seat to sit when someone called him.

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