Chapter 66: The Notebook

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After the contest, James gave Lucy, Rumika, and Meowth his credit card so that they could treat everyone to pizza and ice cream while he went to go check on Annastasia.

"I never thought that Team Rocket would be buying us stuff", Ash told his friends.

"They have spent most of their lives stealing. It must be weird for them to actually have to buy things like normal people", said Misty.

"I wouldn't call being a billionaire 'normal'", said Iris.

"What yous goody-goods don't understand is dat when yous are on de street, everything is fair game. Yous don't gotta act classy unless yous got de money to back yereself up", Meowth told them.

"He's right, you know", said Rumika. "Once you are out of the system, everything and nothing is yours".

"But now you all are so rich you can just buy the entire world", said Max.

"You could look at it that way, but don't forget, James and I know what it is like to have all the money in the world. We know it doesn't make you happy, and sometimes it just makes life" started Rumika.

"A prison", said Meowth. "Dat's what James said it was like livin' at home. Its how Jessie's mother felt. Dat's why she ran away too".

"Well at least they have James' grandparents on their side", said May. "They are really nice people, and James looks up to them a lot".

"And weeze been planning our lives fere a while", said Meowth. "Weeze know what we're gonna do with all dis money".

"What's that?" asked Rumika.

"You'll see", he responded.


Everyone headed to headquarters after lunch. Some of the group brought their Pokémon to Nurse Joy for some healing while the others either went into town or hung out in their rooms. James met Jessie in their bedroom two hours previously.

"How is she doing?" James asked as he entered the room where Jessie lay with Annastasia. He lay down next to them.

"Her fever is already starting to go down and she has spent most of her time sleeping and eating since you last saw her. How did the Contest go?" Jessie asked.

James explained Lucy and Meowth's argument and how he lost to Bonnie and Jerry.

"There is always next time. The next competition, the Skylet Contest, requires contestants to form in groups of two. I bet we can clean up there", said Jessie.

"For sure", he replied.

"Ayyy unnnn ayyy", Annastasia mumbled happily.

"Do you think Annastasia is going to want to do contests when she is older?" James asked.

"Annastasia, as soon as you are old enough, we are going to let you do whatever you want", said Jessie.

"As long as it isn't dangerous", said James.

"According to my standards", Jessie added.

There was a knock on the doorframe. They looked up to find Rumika. She was wearing a brand new dress and fancy shoes. Everything was a stunning grey and silver, matching her eyes.

"Nice outfit. Where did you get that?" Jessie asked.

"Lucy and Meowth got it for me. They want me and Mondo to team up for the next contest", she explained. "I was thinking I could wear this".

"You should. It looks really nice on you. And you have nothing to lose", said James.

"I am a bit confused on how these things work though", said Rumika.

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