Chapter 63: Don't keep your visions to yourself

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AN: I forget to mention the song used in Chapter 53 was Falling Slowly from the musical Once. Here is a link to the official music video: watch?v=-GOFQReTlug Disclaimer: I dont own anything that you can recognize.

And we continue.....


Jessie, James, Meowth, Lucy, Rumika, Mondo, and all their Pokémon arrived at the Team Rocket lobby.

"That's weird, why are all the lights out?" James asked Meowth.

"I dunno", he replied.

"I got them", said Jessie as she flicked on a light switch.

"Surprise!" a chorus of voices bellowed.

"What...what's this?" asked James.

James' grandparents, Delia, Ash, Misty, Brock, Gary, Dawn, Drew, May, Max, Iris, Cilan, Duplica, Autumn, Teeshy, Brianna, Bianca, Zoey, Serena, Bonnie, Clement, Ritchie, Sakura, Harley, Forrest, and most of their Pokémon were standing in the lobby.

"We heard you got married!" said Dawn. "We decided to throw you a baby/wedding shower".

"Really? For us?" Jessie replied.

"Yep. We got a bunch of presents for Annastasia. We knew you were running low on supplies", said Brock.

"Wow. I didn't think you would do something like this for us", said James."Nanny, pop-pop, you came all this way..."

"We wanted to see you. You may be all grown up, but you are still our Little James", his pop-pop responded.

"Well, granted we did do it more for Annastasia than we did for you two", said Gary. "So just thank us and come open your presents. We have cake too".

Jessie and James joined the others. The teens took turns giving them their gifts.

"We are definitely going to make up for all this", said James.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone needs someone to lean on", said Ash.

"Pika pika", said Pikachu.

After opening all their gifts and eating cake, they sat and talked until nighttime. One by one everyone started to head to bed.

"Delia, before you leave, James and I have something we need to discuss", said Jessie.

"Ok", said Delia. "I will meet you outside your room in about ten minutes. Does that work?"

"That would be perfect", James replied.


"Was it me or did Jessie and James seem really distracted tonight?" Ash asked Misty. The two of them were walking down one of the long hallways at the Team Rocket Headquarters.

"Well, we did surprise them. And they did just get back from their honeymoon", Misty responded.

"I wonder why they wanted to talk to my mom", Ash wondered aloud.

"Delia is pretty close with them now. I'm sure its nothing", said Misty.

"Did you decide whether or not you wanted to try and enter the Kanto Grand Festival?" Ash asked her.

"Yep. I decided I am. I have nothing to lose. I know Jessie is going to be hard to beat, but that is no reason for me to not try", she replied.

"Azu azu!" said Azuril.

"I want to show everyone how great water Pokémon can be. What better way to do that then a Pokémon contest? I already have ideas for combinations I can do", she added.

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