Chapter 60: More fun in Viridian City

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Misty was laughing and clapped her hands. She wiped a tear from her eye.

"At least you had a good reason to be late for our date", she responded. "I can't believe you dipped Jessie. How many times did you drop her?"

"Only once", said Ash defensively.

"And she called you Ashy-boy!" she giggled.

"Apparently she learned that one from Gary", Ash replied.

"I can't believe you spent two hours dancing with Jessie. That is hilarious", she added.

"Well, James did interrupt a few times to help me out", he responded.

"So you waltzed with James too?" she asked.

"Yep", he said shamefully.

"Who'd have thought", she commented as she continued to laugh at his expense. "But thanks, Ash. It was really sweet of you to do that for me. I want to see that video that Meowth and Lucy took".

"It is probably already on Facebook", he replied.

"Yeah, you are probably right!" she said happily.

Meanwhile, Brock told Autumn about their recent adventures.

"Wow Brock. I wish I could have been there", she said when he finished his story.

"There is always next time", he responded.

"What are the chances that something like this is going to happen again?" she asked.

"I've noticed that if you hang out with Ash long enough, you find yourself in some crazy situations. When I traveled with him I got to see tons of rare and legendary Pokémon, solved all kinds of mysteries, and battled tons of gang members", he explained.

"Sounds dangerous", said Autumn.

"It is. But we all have really great Pokémon to protect us. And we always look out for one another", said Brock.

"Sounds nice. I always wondered what it would be like, to have friends like that", she responded.

"I am sure you have plenty of friends back home", Brock replied.

"No. I always kind of stood out", said Autumn. "Its really just me and my Pokémon".

"Well you have me", said Brock. "I will always be your friend".

"Really? Do you mean that?" she asked nervously.

"Actually, we are all your friends. Ash, Misty, Forrest, May, Drew, Max, Dawn, Gary, Iris, Cilan, Serena, Bonnie, Clement, Duplica, Ritchie, Sakura, Bianca, Barry, Harley, Zoey, Duplica, Delia, Jessie, James, Meowth, Lucy, Rumika, and all of our Pokémon, of course", Brock told her. "And there are so many others that we have met over the years that we still keep in touch with".

"Where are you going after this?" asked Autumn.

"I have to go back to school", he replied. "But not for another month. I plan on staying here in Viridian City. Giovanni said he will let Ash and all his friends stay as long as they want".

"That's generous. Who knew a gang leader could be so hospitable", she replied.

"Well, he is Ash's father", said Brock. "And he does have a lot of empty space since so many people had left Team Rocket recently".

"Huh. I would have never guessed", Autumn, responded. "Does that mean I can stay too?"

"Of course. I would love for you to stay", Brock replied.

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