Chapter 4 - What the Hell, You only live once

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What the Hell? By Avril Lavinge.

Really relates. Enjoy!


To say the least I was nervous, to say the most I was bouncing with excitement. Truly I was. This was going to be great; I could feel it in my kinda scary bones.

The plan had hatched as I running though the forest last night, my train of thought was flowing like a Ferrari at full speed. The wind couldn’t blow that fast. Yeah, pretty fast…

In a nutshell – quoting from Alia, who was even more excited (???) – eggyfeatherytasticlastic. I don’t think that’s a word, but I’ll go with it. It was complicated plan, very tricky but that guy from art class was so easy to trick into giving me 4 bags of feathers, I mean, who wants 4 bags of feathers? Not a usual thing to have. He handed them over like Santa to Kids, I’m not that charming!! Maybe the top helped.

Chase went to the kitchens and manage to get his hand on 100 eggs. That’s a lot of eggs, you got to admit… It kind put me off eggs, well for life, just looking at them and what we were going to them, but hey, all in the name of revenge of that nasty, self centered, vein jerk face… I could go on, but I feel the need to stop myself and tell you the plan, it very simple yet utterly brilliant. Well, I think it’s awesome, Chase does too, but after the way Ace and Blake have treated him I am really not surprised.

The basic plan was Chase and Laurie was to find them and get them out of class just before the bell rang, around 10 minutes before it would ring. Corner them off in the hallway, center of the school so no chance of escape before we get to them, next grab the eggs and chuck them at pair of buffoons, all 100. 50 each, give or take a few all minus a couple, Alia, Kari and mine aim is dreadful, we established that with a massive pillow fight, earlier on in the week after the eventfully breakfast. Wait, side-tracked again. Oppsy.

Nevertheless we then get the fan, conveniently, from the Science Department. Typically easy to trick in to giving us the fan. Collinton has the ‘best’ of everything, so of course it was big, massive one which could blow someone over, exactly what we needed for our malevolent plan – cue evil laugh. We turn it on, and empty sacks of feathers in front of the blowing fan from behind letting thousands of purple feathers out. Somehow I had managed to get that, I think it might have been the complete purple outfit I was wearing, it is also the color of my house, McKenna. Oh well, he’ll know who he dealing with then.

So they end up dripping in raw egg and purple feathers in front of the whole school, hugely satisfying, for revenge on my ankle and the cupboard ‘accident’. All we needed to do was put into action, and that, is what I am doing now.

We all have walk talkies, a noise out of the blue came from my little purple box,

“We have lift off, Alphabet (Ace and Blake, A and B? All we need is C…) Are in running into position” crackled a voice over the sound waves, I forgot to mention we emptied to cans of golden syrup on the ground for a sticky situation. I shall never scowl at the cooking department ever again. With the golden syrup in place and the confirmation that they were coming, I lifted my head up from organizing the eggs and looked round the corner to see A&B standing in the middle of the corridor, trying to move but it utterly not working at all. But they were ready to get pelted by my eggyfeatherytasticlastic revenge.

I flapped my hand out as I made the sign to begin pelting the eggs. Alia and Kari began to pelt from their secret position. As did I, taking several in to a hand as I fired them out full pelt, bringing them to a nice creamy-white color. Lovely. They looked at each other as their jaw was hanging open, as Alia managed for once to get a good aim in on him as she hit Ace with an egg in the mouth. It splattered going everywhere as he desperately tried to spit all the raw mixture out of his mouth. Cue staged 2.

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