Chapter 1 - Out of the Normal

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The song ---> just clicks with this chapter. Which is home? Black or Gold?

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Present Day- Starlington - 17 years later

Hit left, then right. Circle then check. Stick under arm. Dodge. Deploy shaft to side of head. Whack hard. Turn 90 degrees then hit side. Score! Go Calla, Go-go-go Calla! I did a little victory dance.

“Ow. That hurt Calla,” he said rubbing his head with good intentions.

“You’re welcome Jack”, I said poking my tongue out then doing the over rated smile, to the leopard, Jack. We both bow towards each other. Bamboo sticks out in front showing we weren’t going to harm each other – well I might...

“How did we do Master?” Jack asked, eyeing up the elder feline, while elbowing me out of the way. I snorted.

The booming voice replied “Son, you did very well, but keep your eyes open next time. You know the drill Calla just did.” He turned to me next. His red-gold beads tinkering as his mane swish round to me, creating a halo of golden puff-ness. “Calla, Calla, Calla.” He said eyeing me up, with a glint in the eyes. “You may be ready.” I began to jump up and down and squealing. Finally, i was going to go-,

A stick flew towards me. I narrowly missed; thank Karalee for my quick reactions, giving the ‘death stare’ to Master Rakkah. “You are ready then.” He said giving me a hug. Jack laughed and gave me a hug.

“I thought you would never be ready!”

“I know, i never thought she would be!” chuckled Rakkah elbowing his son in the ribs

“Honestly, I thought you were all going blind” I said rolling my eyes, then adding a cheeky grin at the end.

“So, I finally get someone to beat up, after all these years at Colliton. I finally get a wolf to tease!”

“Sooooo, not a good joke, Jack. Soooo not good.”

“She right you know.” His tall frame standing up straighter. “If people find out, she a wolf, they’ll kill her”

That note left a sour twinge in my mouth. Mum. The way she was killed was horrible, yet she died defending me. I must continue and hold the title Duchess.

“I’m sorry, Calla. Father” He bowed to us both and then continued to say “Perhaps we can rope in Laurie. She’ll be happy to help. After all she is a criminally good packer”. Rakkah cringe as he heard his son use those words, but with good intentions against his sister.

“Aye, that is a good idea. I must go; i have matters to attend too.” I and Jack raised an eyebrow at each other. What matters?? “I expect you two to behave” He walked out of the evenly sized dojo. I sighed in relief. Rakkah’s beads tinkled, showing movement as he poked his head round the door “Oh, and Colliton starts in 2 days time, you can practice your hunting if you wish, but only in the border area.”

“YES! GET IN!” yell Callum. We proceeded in doing our victory dance, round the bamboo built building. A mixture of disco fever, Y.M.C.A and the Hooky-Pokey. We are so imaginative. I have been best friends with Jack and his twin sister Laurie, since I was little and couldn’t control my change, an unfortunate habit for small cubs. One minute wolf, next baby. Jack got so confused, he started doing it. We ended up rolling on the floors a mixture between true form and Human. Laurie mastered it first, as always, while Jack second, with me in last doing it slightly differently as usual, but i am a wolf and they are leopards in their true form. A true form is the pure animal e.g. I’m a werewolf. My pure form is a...

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