Unless, he gets turned into a vampire too? Would that be so bad? Louis turned El, and I know he regrets that, but he has her with him for eternity. Me, on the other hand, am alone and just wish that Liam was mine. That I could be with him forever, but I can't if he stays human.

Could I even ever have the guts to turn him into one, like me? I remember Louis having a hard time  when he had to turn El. But El was dying, and Louis loved her too much to let her go. He really didn't have a choice because he chose his heart over his mind. I would do the same for Liam without a second thought. 

But could he handle it? Would he be able to? What if I did tell him about us? How would he feel? About us and ME? Would he be scared? Would he hate me? Could he hate me? He doesn't seem like the type of person that can even "hate" anything, let alone anyone. He was that kind-hearted. It's why I fell in love with him so quickly. I really do find him that intriguing.


I walked out my house after eating breakfast in silence with my family. They were worried about me, because I yelled at Louis. But I didn't answer them and just ate. Louis was frowning at me and I ignored him. 

I didn't wait for Louis and El when I decided to leave for school early. I heard them calling me as I backed from the driveway and headed on the road. I really just needed to get away from home. But I knew that deep down, I really just wanted to see Liam already. I've been giddy all morning to see him.

I got to school in 10 minutes and parked in my usual spot. It just happened to be right in front of Liam's reserved spot. No one really minded me when I parked there, but I could tell that some people were jealous that I got to park that close to Liam's car. Geesh, people! It's just a parking spot in front of his car! It's not actually Liam! 

But I know they didn't dare question me about it, or make me change my spot. They were all pretty scared of Louis and I. We made that clear on the first day of freshman year. We didn't want to mess with them, so they shouldn't mess with us. And they understood perfectly fine. They kept as much distance from us as we did to them.

I wish I could say the same for Liam, though. Because as I stepped out of my car, I heard yelling and running feet that, as I looked up, were heading towards Liam. He was still turned away from them, but I heard him sigh heavily and face them with a sheepish smile.

Oh dear God! Have mercy! Liam was wearing sunglasses! Man, he looked so hot and sexy right now! I just wanna - 

I heard the group of desperados ask him to the dance and they, too, soon realized he was wearing sunglasses. Thay all gasped and nearly fainted, but held on to each other to prevent it.

I sighed and headed to the school doors, knowing fully well that no one would pay attention to me. I walked past Liam and smelled his scent. He smelled SO good! Not like he was yummy, - though I bet he is! - but just his natural scent. I really am head over heels for him.

I opened the doors and walked in the school. I was heading to my locker when I felt a hard impact on my back. I heard a groan and turned around to see who it was.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" he said and then looked up at me. He stared at me in shock and looked like he was about to pass out.

I was pretty shocked too. For him to bump into me and I finally get to see him, I mean. It's like my wish came true or something...

I smirked at him and said, "What's the hurry, Liam?"

He stared back at me for a few more seconds, before he regained his composure. He shook his head and said, "H- Hi Harry..."

I kept staring at him, enjoying the view: his face, and waited for an answer to my question. Eventually he realized I was waiting for him to answer, and I smiled at him patiently.

"S- Sorry...Oh, right! Sorry for bumping into you, Harry! I was just trying to get away from - "

"From your entourage of deperados?" I finished for him, smirking.

Liam snorted and said, "They are NOT my entourage. I really wish they would leave me alone. They don't get that I don't wanna go to the dance with someone."

"Why not?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"Because I don't wanna choose someone and then hurt other people's feelings if I do. It would hurt ME to see them get hurt because of me," Liam replied as we walked. We just kinda fell into step with each other, and it felt normal. Even comfortable. I could get used to this...walking and talking to Liam whenever I wanted.

"But you do realize that one day, you're gonna fall for someone and not help what your feelings make you do?" I said, hoping he would or wouldn't get that I was really talking about how I felt for him.

"I- I know...It just hasn't happened yet, I think........So for now, I'm gonna reject them for the better of themselves," Liam said hesitantly.

I frowned at what he said. He hasn't fallen for anyone yet...That includes ME.That hurts, but can I really take offense to that? I mean, he just noticed me yesterday. But still...Yeah, it does hurt anyways. "What about for the better of YOURSELF?" I asked, trying now to sound upset.

"For ME? I could never-...Well, maybe I would think of myself first someday, but not today. I still care too much about others," Liam replied as we reached his locker.

"You care just enough, Liam. But maybe...you could at least TRY and think of YOUR feelings first before anyone else's. It could really benefit you," I said, hoping he would. What if he did have feelings for me? And he was just thinking about the desperados' feelings before his own? I could actually have a chance with him!......Woah there, Harry! Slow down. You don't even know if LIam feels the same way about YOU. And once again, I brought my own self down.

"I could try that, I guess...It might take a while though," Liam said as he opened his locker and grabbed his books.

"I wouldn't expect you to be breaking a bunch of hearts by lunch and not care, Liam. Just, you know...Baby steps. Think about your feelings first, about any situation. Then ask yourself if you'd really be doing it for yourself, or someone else." I said, smiling at him.

He smiled back and chuckled. "I don't think I could ever break someone's heart anyways. It would hurt ME too much...But I will try to think of myself first. Thanks, Harry."

"No problem,' I said, still smiling. But that quickly faded when I saw Niall and Zayn coming towards Liam. I knew they saw me with Liam, because they froze as I stared back at them.

"Harry? What's wro- " Liam asked me, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm gonna go to my locker, Liam. I'll see you in class,' I said quickly, cutting him off and reluctantly walking away from him to my locker across the hall.

"Sure, yeah...See you in class then, Harry," Liam said back, obviously still confused, but I refused to look back at him. We may only be across the hall from each other, but I knew that Niall and Zayn would keep him away from me. Especially after last night.

I'm glad Liam wasn't there last night...I don't know what I would have done if he was involved.

*OOH! What is Harry talking/"thinking" about? What happened last night? - Niall and Zayn were apparently involved too. Hmm......

Harry is mad at Louis for saying that Liam isn't living forever - Was Harry right to get mad at him? But Louis' right, isn't he? Liam is just a human...like Eleanor WAS. Would Harry turn Liam into a vampire if he needed to, like Louis did to El? How long will it take Harry to forgive Louis?

When will Lirry finally get together?! Wait and read!

What will happen next?* x

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