Longer Than I Thought

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Longer Than I Thought

I woke to Jack bouncing on my bed, screaming at me to awaken. "Hurry, Sammy, hurry!"

"What?" I groaned as I grabbed the child’s waist and moved him off my aching chest.

"You have to see this!" he climbed off the bed, grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the living room. After ripping the curtains open, he pointed at a yellow taxi outside the house. "Mom is taking it to work!"

"That's because the car got broken," I laughed.

He pressed his face to the window, "But tis so cool!"

He quickly run toward his room and came out with three taxi toys. Two were small push ones while the other was a remote control his father had gotten him.

"Where's Blair?" I asked, suddenly aware of her absents.

"She went to work," he sighed.


"Don't be like that! You heard me," he grumbled. His remote control taxi rammed into the side of my foot, causing me to squeak. I rolled my eye then went to look for a phone. After finding one in the kitchen, I dialled Blair's work number.

"Hello, you've reached Blair, for Mrs. Sumtly," Blair's formal voice chirped over the phone.

"It's me."


"What are you doing at work?" I shrieked.

"It's a DESK job!" she hissed before hanging up on me.

I cursed under my breath and slammed the phone down on the counter.

"You said a bad word," Jack gasped.

"No, I didn't," I snapped back.

"Sam is a liar, Sam is a liar!" he screamed.

"Jack stop it!" I hissed.

"I'm telling mom!" he warned before stomping off into the hallway. I snorted, knowing Aunt Jane didn't care what I said.

The ringing doorbell made me jump. Without thinking, I ran to answer it. I instantly regretted it after the door was open. The way I had served in the restaurant was staring at me with a funny look on his face. A boy, whom I assumed was his brother, also stared bewilded at me.

I sheepishly looked down to realize I was wearing nothing but the long t-shirt I had worn all day yesterday.

"One second," I whispered before darting into me room. I threw on the first pair of jeans I saw. After throwing them on, I took off the baggy shirt, revealing a solid black tank top.

"Sorry bout that," I mumbled once back at the door. "What can I do for you?"

"We are here to take Jack to soccer," the older boy said, his cheeks were tinged pink and he stared at the ground.

"Jack!" I called behind my shoulder. Jack appeared within seconds, his soccer bag hung on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me you had soccer?" I asked.

"That was for making me clean my room," he stuck his tongue out at me. Jack and the younger boy left toward a car that was parked in the driveway. To my surprise, the older boy hovered on the step.

"Weren't you my waitress last night?" he asked.

"Yeah, that was me."

He held his hand out, "I'm Jeremy."

"Sam," I said as I shook his hand.

"Well, I will have your brother back by noon."

"K." I said a blush creeped its way onto my cheek as he left.

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