FINALE 2 Epilogue(Hogwarts,school of witchcraft and LGBT)

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Ron's POV:

WHAT THE HELL?! They ACTUALLY FUCKED! " Jesus, my eyes. Oh my lanto! Why in the world would they fuck if one doesn't have the opposite genitals?!

THATS GROSS! Not that i don't respect! Why?! WHY?! "Ron please, STOP looking please." Wait a minute.. " Guys, go back to 1:15, that ghost though." 

I told them to go back and when they did, it seems...odd. Who the fuck would stalk people having.. Well times change right? That orange hair, must be a weasley but why would it?

"Move Ron... HOLY CRICKET! Its Ginny! I knew she was up to something! She said its alright though. Why would she ever...Do that to me?" Harry said.

Harry's POV:

Ginny said she was fine and it was okay. Why would she ever do that? "GUYS, COME HERE QUICK! SOMEONE IS JUMPING OFF A CLIFF!" Collin said, barging through the door.

WHAT? Who the fuck would do that?! I rushed outside and it was crowded outside Hogwarts. Im surprised that there weren't no teachers.

I squeezed up to the front. Holy shit. DRACO! "Can't anyone save him? Hermione please help! Anyone please Draco!" Harry screamed loudly. Everyone were looking at Harry, weirdly, as if he is gay.

Wood came to him and said,"Harry, why do you suddenly care so much about...Draco? Do you like him?" I knew that its time to tell the truth.

I nodded in a yes signed, everyone was shocked. "Guys... Look, i have been keeping a secret among these few pass months, yes i like Draco!"

I said bravely. In the edge if the cliff far away, i could see Draco looking back. But he isn't moving back. "You know what? I don't care if I'm gay or not because that is who i am! If you guys are here to judge of who i am but not what i do, i don't care! I don't care if I don't fit into society, at least....I told my secret, the truth. I am NOT going to keep it in forever! You all have secrets. A secret that could change your picture. You guys always wanted to fit into society but the wrong way! So my words in a brief sentence are... Its not about who you are, but the things you do."

Did i really said that? Everyone went quiet. I broke down and fell to the floor crying. I knew everyone didn't like me. "Harry, it doesn't matter, we all still think that you are the hero who saved most if our lives since the last few years a couple of times.

Harry, just go to Draco, help make a change to our school, help us all. That is my brief sentences to you." Susan bones said. I stood up happily and ran to the edge of the cliff.

Ouch my head hurts! Why does it hurt! Is the stone in the chamber getting stronger?!

Ron's POV:

Damn. That was a nice speech. Everyone started to cheer. The ground vibrated. "Ron, do you feel that?" Hermione said. I nodded yes. Everyone felt it to.

They were confused. Some students went down to see what happened. After a few minutes they went up. "GUYS! A STONE! A STONE OF A MAN! ITS SHINING RED! ITS EYES!" One of the wizards said.

We started to panic but not too much. "What are we going to do?!" One of the wizards said. Oh gosh.. Hermione said,"Ron, i left my wand in the library! Could you come with me? I might know how to fix this!" I followed her to the library. Hermione grabbed her wand.

Every books were falling down! I tripped on a book, how the---what the.... The chamber of men. "RON HURRY!" Hermione shouted! I ran back outside of Hogwarts and read the book. Wait what is this?! I went ti the back page and i saw the book spelling out names.. It looked something like:


And it was in the legend category! Its spelling out H. Then A.. Then R.. HARRY AND DRACO?! What how is this possible?! I read through the books and I know what must be done..

They must do it or not it will fail and things get worst. It started raining hard, lightning struck the edge of the cliff but not Harry or Draco. Maybe its the stone guy! Maybe, i don't even know! "Ron we must call Harry to come back it's way too dangerous over there he won't make it!"

Hermione shouted! "No...let Harry go to Draco I have hope in him. I read through the book and it said that if it doesn't happen worst things will happen." I told Hermione.

Draco's POV:

(For feels, listen to my little dashie from 1:39)

This is the end of all things. Im doing the right thing. I saw Harry ran to me. If he tries to stop me, it won't effect me.

Harry: Draco stop! You think what your doing is right! Its not! I still love you, i know what i said is wrong. Wraps arm around draco please stop.

Draco: Maybe your right, we might not be meant for each other, you could find someone else. You could Harry. I made you a mess, why do you love me? Who am i to you?

Harry: Because you are the only one i have.. Tears ran down through cheeks

Draco: But why...Why do you care about me? Im just a mess. Everyone hates me and there is no turning back. Its pointless. Please. If you love me, you would let me do this. If you love me.

Harry: if i love you, i wouldnt listen to what your saying because i wanna keep you safe. I love you. Takes pills and ropes from dracos hand i fucking love you. I fucking love you. Nothing could change how i feel but you. Draco.. Holds hand you are my only hope to live and to feel. Draco, how many times have i always said i love you? Only once many times have we sent those letters. How many times have we laughed together? How many times have we felt like the world is nothing but you are.

Draco: gasp Harry.. You still remember.? I thought it faded away so fast. Harry... How many times have i hugged you? Will this be the first time that i say.... Im wrong, harry, i love you.


Harry's words:
Well thats the end. There you go, thats the end of the story. From a far distance, everyone saw us together, they cheered, the school laws changed that not only heterosexual is allowed but all. I have hope in you guys reading this. "Dont you want to say the rest?" Draco said. Oh yeah, Ginny was exposed and everyone started hating her. Done. My brief sentence to you is. Its not about who you are, but what you do. That is my sentences.

Thank you for reading the story :)

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