We walked to the dance floor as the song started.

Oh, it's a slow song

I placed my hand on his shoulder and he puts his hand on my waist, our other hand was intertwined.

"I don't know how to dance to slow songs, actually" I admitted, looking shyly at him.

"Hey, I'll teach you okay?" He asks and I nod. "Just flow with the sound of the song"

I did what he said, I was totally getting the hang of it.

"See your doing great" he smiled. I step on his foot and stumble a little. "Spoke too soon" he teases.

"Sorry" I giggled. "So anymore suggestions, Mr. I-Spoke-Too-Soon" I laughed at him and he pouts.

"Just look into my eyes"

"Huh?" I looked down at my feet, carefully not to step on garroth.

Garroth placed a finger on my chin, lifting it upwards so I was looking at him.

"I said..just look into my eyes.." He whispers.


I started to fall into the motion of the song as I examined his eyes. His blue eyes look distant, as I looked further..there pecks of gold in his eyes.

"Okay! So that's the first song finished!" The MC said, scaring both me and Garroth. I back away from him.

"Let's get back to the table?" He suggest.

"Sure" I smiled at him as we walk our way to our friends.

"I'm going to get refreshments, do you want anything?" He asks as I sat down.

"Sure, I'll have a Pepsi"

He walked away to get our refreshments. I looked around, hoping to find Aaron . My eyes land on someone leaning on a wall alone. I walked up to him.

"Hey, what are you doing here alone?" I ask him.

"H-huh? Oh, J-just, you know, being alone. Who are you?" He asks

I laughed. "Zane, it's me! Aphmau!"

"A-aphmau?! Sorry, i didn't notice you" he apologizes.

"It's okay, wanna dance?"

"I'm supposed to be the one asking you that" he chuckles. "Aphmau, may I have this dance?"

"Of course, Horsie lover" I wink playfully at him.

"Hey! I'm not the only one!" He complained and we laughed at that.

After our dance, I invited him to sit with us. He rejected my offer but I insisted. We chatted on the table, ate snacks and danced.

I went to the food table to get a punch but I saw that it was getting refilled so I waited, sitting on a chair.

"What's a pretty lady doing here alone?" A raspy yet sexy voice said. I looked up to see a boy, with brown -almost black- hair, and light blue eyes, his face almost covered with a black mask.

"Nothing, just waiting for the punch to be refilled." I shrug.

"Wanna dance?" He asks and offers me a hand.

"I'd love to." I stood up and dance with him as a slow song came up.


This is awkward..

"So, are you from here?" I ask him, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah actually" he chuckled.

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