Chapter 2: Love is..?

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"APHMAU!! HURRY UP!!" Levin and Malachi shouted from downstairs.They were in the car waiting for me to put on my converse and go,I don't know why they're in a hurry..I mean, we have 30 minutes before school starts.

"OKAY!! NO NEED TO RUSH!! I'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!!" I shouted back. I stood up and look at my refection in the mirror. I looked satisfied on my appearance. I wore a purple crop top with a 'LOVE' written on it,a black pants and a purple converse. I decided to tie my hair in a high ponytail and secured it with a black bow (A/N: her outfit is on the top/side).I put on some mascara and some lipgloss,I went downstairs and looked at my purple watch and we only have 25 minutes to spare. I grabbed my bag and all the things I need for school. I kissed my parents a goodbye and went to the car.

"What took you so long?" Levin asked as Malachi starts the engine and drove off to school.

"Umm..normal teenage girl stuff..? And we still have a lot of time before the school starts." I reasoned.

"Hey,you guys excited for school..?" Malachi asked. I guess he's excited..he has been smiling since he woke up,maybe he had a good dream. Hmmm..who knows..?

"Yeah!" Levin and I both said in unison. I was really looking forward to this day,new friends,new place,new smiles,and who knows..maybe I'll fall in love.

"Hey guys" I said..I have a question in my head right now that I want to ask them.

"Yeah?" Malachi questioned.

"What do you think love is..?" I asked. I really wasn't sure what love is. Last time I had a relationship was back in 1st year highschool. I really thought that we were perfect together but he was only using me, I was heartbroken back then but I have my family to comfort me.

"Well, for me love is- wait why are you asking this question..? Are you thinking about your ex again..?" Malachi asked with a worried expression on his face. I looked at levin and he also have the same expression. That's what I love about them, they're so protective over me 'cause they don't want me to be hurt.

"No,ok maybe a little but it just popped on my mind and I was curious." I replied. It was true though,I was really curios 'cause I don't know what it really mean.

"For me, love is a journey. Why..? Because when we go to a journey and travel, we can see a lot of things,discover new feelings such as being happy,sad,angry,jealous,lonely,broken,empty, missing, and sometimes,when we're tired..we feel like giving up 'cause we don't know if we still can handle the struggle. But sometimes,when I loose hope,I always have those persons who will love me and will never leave even of my flaws..those persons are my parents,siblings and God" Malachi said. His speech was really inspirational, I felt touched..specially when he said that my family and God will always be there for him,and that's true.

"Wow! Where did you get the inspiration?" Levin asked,amused.

"Well, I got the inspiration from you guys..I love you all" Malachi said. Now I really want to cry.

"How about you levin..? What do you think love is..?" I asked,curios.

"For me, love is like a criminal stealing things..and your the victim. You have to think twice before doing any action because you might get hurt. You don't know if you should fight for it,for you to be happy or if you should just let go and decide to not get hurt. But for me, I choose to fight for it..because if you love someone and they're special to you, you should prove to them that you truly love them and they mean a lot to you, you should prove to them that without them you feel incomplete and your willing to do anything just to make them happy. And I'm going to fight for you guys.." Levin said,full of emotion. I've never thought that they will both say those wonderful words. They make my heart melt.

"Wow! You guys are the best!" I said hugging them both.

"How about you aph..?" Malachi asked.

"Love is like math. In addition, You + I = Us. We feel happy when we use that operation because it's easy and like the first step In falling in love..we always feel happy about the result. In subtraction, we need to get rid of the third that, no one can ruin the relationship but sometimes it can also start problems. In multiplication, we may get jealous because there's always the in result, we try to make our self better infront of everyone specially tha one who we love. Then there's division, when a couple can't solve their problems will say that they need to break up. Love is complicated,just like math" I said. That's when I noticed that we were nearly at school. I looked down at my watch and look at the time..15 minutes to spare,that means the ride from home to the school was ten minutes.

"Heh, I guess you're really excited for school,eh" levin said jokingly.

"You know it! Hahaha!" Malachi teased. Then both of them started laughing as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Goofballs" I rolled my eyes at them.

"Wow! This school is huge!" Malachi said when he got out of the car.

We entered the school gate and walked through the hallway. Some pupils kept staring at us while whispering at each other. What's their deal..?

"Aphmau..? " a familiar voice yelled and I turn back so I can see who it is.

"Aphmau!! It's you! OMG! Oh,hi levin and Malachi" she greeted us excitedly.


Hi guys!! So what do you think about this chapter..? I know it's about love but I'm not really feeling great today..I'm in a bad mood..let's just say I got jealous..hihihihi. But tell me about what do you think love is..maybe I'll get inspired by you guys;). Sorry about the slow updates,school has just been pretty tiring. Tell me guys on how i can improve the story,I'm sure your ideas are awesome! Bye! Till next time!

-Ella <3

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