"If you're running away, i'm running away with you"

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Sorry for the slow updates! I've been going through some shit with my personal life so I'm taking a break from my Instagram but hopefully this update will make a few of you happy :)


btw the ending kinda sucks lmao #noregrets

Carl's P.O.V
"Judith...Judith, please!" I begged my younger sister as her fragile body squirmed and sobbed in my arms.

"Please, just go to sleep!"

Wiping tears off of her wet cheeks, I glanced over at the digital clock that sat on the coffee table.

1:55 am

I sighed.

"Well shit..." I mumbled softly to myself.

It seemed like forever until the front door swung open but it eventually did, revealing my father who seemed to have an eventful day at work.

His matted hair was soaked with sweat along with several other parts of his body.
Dirt, scrapes, and bruises were prominent on his face and neck.

"You look like shit." I told my dad as he walked over to the couch where I held a crying Judith in my arms.

"Hello to you too, son"

I rolled my eyes at his witty remark.

"Still not asleep, huh?" He asked while wearily plopping his body onto the couch.


My dad opened his arms and I handed over Judith who, all of a sudden, started to quiet down.

He then stood up while rocking her in his arms as her cries grew more and more silent.

"I got her, you go to sleep, alright?"

I nodded my head and watched as he carried Judith upstairs.


2:36 am

I still wasn't asleep.

I still sat on the same spot on the couch.

My father and sister were asleep considering the fact that the house was completely silent.

I cherished nights like these. Nights where I could forget the sound of Judith's sobs and would not catch the constant chatter or action from the residents in Alexandria.

It was a peaceful night.
But that didn't last forever.

For some strange reason, I found myself in front of a window, staring at nothing but darkness and a faint image of one of Alexandria's wall.

But somewhere in the pitch black, I could make out a tiny flash of light.

My tired eyes were now suddenly wide open as I tried to inspect more of the strange sight.

The light was now moving, flashing on and off as it made its way through the grass and towards the wall.

It didn't take me long to figure out that the light was emanating from a flashlight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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