"I-I like it, Daphne Abigail Styles. It's beautiful just like I think she was." Louis said smiling a little bit as his eyes filled with tears.

The news that Louis had lost the baby and that they had named the deceased little princess Daphne Abigail reached the entire kingdom leaving them with a feeling of despair as mothers everywhere had a vague idea of what their Louis must be going through. The funeral was a few days later after Louis got out of the hospital and after a long argument with Harry it was decided that there was no way he was going to miss the burial of his Daphne. Harry tried not to cry while Mary held him as she was being buried in a tomb in between his sister and his mother knowing that she would be safe resting next to them, Louis cried silently wrapped in his mother and Lottie's arms as the people closer to them were the only ones allowed to assist.

"I can't sleep, I'm scared." Louis whispered cuddling closer to Harry after the burial.

"I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you love." Harry mumbled tightening his arms around Louis as he began to cry again.

"C-could you sing f-for me." Louis whispered nervously as Harry smiled sadly and began singing a song his sister used to sing to him so he could fall asleep when he was a kid.

What if daddy was right?

What if there's no forever?

Would you kiss me goodnight?

So that I could remember?

I'll keep you frozen in time

Like they do in the pictures

And if I close my eyes, would I still think of patience?

So stay with me, don't disappear

To tell the truth, I need you here

I'm afraid, I can barely breathe

I need your words, to comfort me

Say goodnight, would you say goodnight?

What if daddy was right?

And I knew all the answers?

Oh they could give me the world

But that doesn't matter

And when the gates open wide, and make you an angel

Through tears in my eyes, would I save you a seat at the table.

So stay with me, don't disappear

To tell the truth, I need you here

Oh I'm afraid, and I can barely breathe

I need your words, to comfort me

Say goodnight, would you say goodnight?

Harry finished singing and kissed Louis on the forehead as he began to fall asleep hoping for everything to get better never imagining what was coming. All he wanted was for his Louis to be okay and go on with life even though it hurt not to have her there with them, he felt the hot tears burning his eyes wanting to just go back in time and do things differently so that Daphne didn't have to suffer the consequences of his actions.

Two months passed by and Louis was almost back to the old him but not at all, for two months he had tried to get Harry to sleep with him in attempts of getting pregnant again but Harry always used protection or didn't touched him at all which was frustrating. All he wanted was another baby to be happy again, he knew that another million babies were never going to replace Daphne but all he wanted was to feel those kicks again and this time carry it to term and be able to hold him or her in his arms.

I Need Your Words To Comfort Me (Larry Stylinson) King!Harry, Prince!LouisWhere stories live. Discover now