High School AU

474 42 33

Ok but imagine-

Picture. Day.

Tyler having braces and they got caught  on his sleeve so now he's trying to free himself before the photo

Ty's teacher making him put away the goddamn eyeliner

Jason having a really nice sweater but they took the photo when he blinked- no wait Jason stop crying we'll retake it

Sky forgot so he's wearing a plain
T-shirt silently saying shit over and over

Ian wanting to wear his bun but no it's not appropriate- no wait your hair is in your face you can have the bun

Quentin no you can't wear your Mudkip cosplay

Mitch put the bow and arrow down

And Jerome no axe or hat- NO DO NOT SWING THE AXE AT JASON- JEROME!!!

Seto is reading while there's chaos. He has the most normal photo out of all of them- goddammit he didn't smile

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