"Hello?" Niall answered.

"It's me," Nina started, deciding not to waste any time, "Change of plans for tonight. We're going to Carter Mason's party."

"Why?" Niall asked bewildered, "You hate Carter's parties."

"I'm well aware of that, Ni." She sighed, running her fingers through her golden tendrils.

"Did we even have plans for tonight?" He pointed out. Nina rolled her eyes at his sassy tone.

"Don't play games with me, Horan, I'm doing this for you." She heard some shuffling, coming from the other end of the line.

"In what way are you doing this for me?" Niall asked confused.

"Michelle will be there." Nina simply stated.

"Oh." Niall uttered. She could here the nerves slowly creeping into his voice. This boy had it bad. "So the plan is on then?" He continued.

"Clearly." Nina stated. She waited for a bit, letting the silence sink in. "It will be fine, Ni. I'm heading home now, so be ready by seven. We'll grab something to eat and off we go."


"I can't do this, Nina."

"Be a man."

"I'm going to be sick."

"Too much pizza, mate."

"Let's just go home and watch a film."

Nina sighed and turned to face her hopeless friend. She gave him one of her many glares and put her hands on his shoulders, squeezing them in reassurance. She saw her friend close his eyes and take a nervous breath. Once they opened again, Nina urged him with a simple nod of the head to do it again.

"Niall." Nina grabbed his attention. The boy opened his eyes again after taking that much needed second breath. "Do you want her?"

"More than anything." Niall nodded at her question to which Nina smiled.

"Then go get her." Nina encouraged.

"If only it was that simple." Niall whispered, making Nina feel bad because of her constant pushing. Yet she knew that if she wouldn't do it, Niall would never make the necessary move on his own.

"It can be." Nina tried again, determined to get her friend inside that house and settled with a date within the week.

"Not for me. I'm not Styles or Tomlinson or even Carter for that matter." Nina closed her eyes upon hearing Niall's remark, dreading the fact that deep down her best friend was jealous of a bunch of hormonal fuckboys.

"Niall, listen to me, please." She shook her friend gently, her hands still resting on his shoulders. He looked down at his feet.

"You don't need to be like them in any way. We girls want someone who'll take care of us, not play us and drop us afterwards like a pathetic used Kleenex." She paused, "I don't know anyone better at caring for people than you." Nina smiled when she saw the hope and courage make a way on her friends facial features, which were still facing the ground nevertheless.

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