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Ever since I heard Calum's covers on YouTube, I have decided to learn those songs on guitar. I practiced them in my cramped room for hours on end until the callosus on my fingers started ripping and until my voice hurt from singing.
I have preformed before in a band but I wanted to make a couple extra bucks and decided to busk downtown Toronto every week to gain confidence in myself as an artist.
It just so happened that this week  5SOS were in town on the American leg of their tour.
It was a sunny day and if there was no breeze it would be a scorcher. I decided to set up a chair in the corner of a market and took my guitar out of its case, carefully flipping open the latches and then leaving the empty case open for market goers to throw money inside.
I rested my guitar in my lap and began to tune it before I played. The nerves in my stomach were forming a knot. I took a few deep breaths before strumming and before not talking myself out of doing this like every other week I busked. I started off with an acoustic version of Banner by Lights. many market goers were startled at first by the music coming from my small body.
I tried hard to focus on stage presence as well as my playing. People passed throwing money in my case; mainly just quarters, nickels, loonies and toonies.
After the song ended I felt more comfortable when I heard people clapping. I started playing youth by daughter. Many stopped to listen to me play. I shut my eyes getting into it and really feeling the music.
After the ending applause I told the growing crowd I was going to start playing Windows by Lewis Watson, which was a song I knew off by heart. 
By now some had their phones out but some of the attention was turned towards a tall dark fellow in the market who had his back turned to me not knowing my existence. I started to play the first riff of the song and as I did I had grabbed his attention when I started singing the song. I saw him slowly turn around with a curious look on his face but a reminiscent look deep in his eyes.
I sang "oh I'm not here to startle you, hell, I'm only here cuz you asked me to.."
I could see him watching my playing, shaking his head as a grin grew on his face and I could feel one grow on mine as well. I watched as his mouth moved in sync with mine and I could hear his voice singing a third lower than my own as he slowly made his way over. My heart was racing when he stood beside me as we sang together. The audience grew slowly and claps and cheers came from them.
"I'm sleeping with a pillow, under lamp light, freezing cold cuz you always like the windows open wide. Just so you know I'll be here when you make it home."
The man smiled at me when the song had ended. I told the crowd I was going to be back next week and thanked them for their donations in my guitar case. The crowd pleaded for another song and would not disperse because of the man standing beside me. He crouched to my level and asked me if I knew the song Many of Horror by Biffy Clyro. I nodded and started to play as a light in his warm chocolate eyes twinkled. His mouth askew into a half smile and started singing as he slowly stood.
"You say I love you boy, I know you lie.."
When the song had ended and after glances back and forth between us two I started taking tips out of my guitar case before putting my guitar inside and folded up my chair.
He told me his name and I told him mine. My cheeks started burning as I looked at the ground when he asked me to go for coffee. I told him I would love to go after I put my stuff in my apartment down the road. His sleepy eyes and smirk grew wide at my acceptance. He insisted on helping carry my guitar up 5 flights of stairs. I swung open the door to my place and set my things inside.
As we both walked out of my apartment he put his sunglasses back on, trying not to attract attention. I told him that people in Toronto usually will leave people like him alone if they are out in public, but he insisted to keep his beanie, sunglasses and hoodie on in 35℃ weather.
I nudged his shoulder and told him he was crazy for doing so as we walked to a small cafe in the outskirts of town. I told him it was a little bit of a walk but he was okay with it. We strolled down streets and alleyways until we got to a foresty area along side some shops.
On the way we talked as though we were best friends, about music and all sorts of things and our interests. We walked close together, hands accidently brushing each others and lingering. His pinky hooked into mine and I smiled blushing and tucking hair behind my ear as the breeze softly blew.
When we made it to the cafe he insisted we sat outside on the grass and we got some sandwiches and ice coffee to go. I asked him if he had ever had Timmy's and he shook his head laughing as my jaw dropped, jokingly looking offended by his response. We stopped in and I bought a small pack of timbits.
We sat near a little stream, gobbling up egg salad and ham and cheese sandwiches and I watched as he tried different flavours of timbits and laughed when he got powdered sugar all over his face, telling him where to lick, his tongue circling around his mouth missing all the areas I pointed at. We both ended up in laughter when I showed him his reflection to make it easier for him to get off his face.
His phone in his pocket buzzed and he told me he needed to be back at the market at 4 and said we had plenty of time since it was only 12.
He showed me some of his goofy "magic tricks" and I laughed when he told me stories of him and his "brothers" getting in trouble in school and traveling together which some stories I secretly knew about but I nodded anyways because I wanted to hear his point of view of them.
We ended up in a fit of laughter and laid down from our bellies hurting. We cloud watched for some time and I shut my eyes letting the sun warm my skin and the breeze ruffle my hair. I could feel him looking at me and I smiled opening my eyes to find out I was correct when he whipped his head away. I silently laughed to myself.
He ended up convincing me on the way back to the market to busk again tomorrow same time same place and if there was confusion he gave me his number.
I ended up going to the show the day we met but didn't tell him. He was surprised to see my face in the crowd and laughed into the mic when he saw me dancing and singing along. He asked the boys if he could switch up the set and play a song for a friend of his.
He took one of his "brother's" guitars and started to play the rif. I gasped covering my mouth and he saw my reaction smiling.
The crowd erupted with cheers and I stayed still with a huge smile plastered on my face. He opened his mouth to sing.
"Oh I'm not here to startle you, hell, I'm only here cuz you asked me to.."

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