Chapter 6

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JaeHee's Pov

In a blink of an eye, it was already Friday. In just a short time Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and I grew closer and now they have officially proclaimed that I am now their sister and of course, I treat them like a brother.

Sometimes, The two Goofballs will tease me and Kai being sweet and all but I honestly treat him like a brother and he also feels the same way.


The bell rung indicating the next class, the teacher Dismissed us and left, I stood up and grabbed my books "Oppa, I'll just put my things in my locker" I said "You can put it in your locker on the dance studio" Kai oppa said and I shooked my head.

"Okay, do you want us to go with you?" I just shooked my head and they nodded, I left the classroom and went to my locker. I opened my locker and put in my things, suddenly my paper quiz flew, I ran to get it and finally, I went back to my locker and put it in then suddenly


"Ahhh!" I shouted in pain, I looked at the person and saw HeeJin, Sehun's girlfriend. She damn closed my locker with my hand still sticking in! She laughed with her drones "I warned you stay away from our oppas! Now this is what you get... girls" they pushed me on the floor and started Kicking me.


kai's Pov

Mr. Lim is already here and he called me "where's JaeHee?" He asked "she said she was just gonna place her things in her locker, should I go look for her?" I asked and he shooked his head

"Okay" and so we waited, a few minutes had passed "Okay, that's it, go look for her" I nodded then ran out, I went to the locker hall and saw HeeJin and her friends kicking.... JAEHEE?!

"Yah!" I shouted then they stopped and looked my way, I stood in front of them, towering them "Oppa.." they said, I growled as I saw JaeHee's condition "Yah, Do you know who you are messing with?" I asked angrily

"Yeah, a slutty, flirtatious bitch why?" I threw a glare at HeeJin as she laughed with her friends "The actual slutty Flirtatious bitch here is you" I said emphasizing every words "why you..." she was about to slap me but I caught her hand and I pushed her away

Which made her fall down on the floor, she groaned in pain "that serves you right, now scram" I said and they ran, I looked at JaeHee, she's crying. I softened "JaeHee, can you hear me?" I asked and she weakly nodded

I sighed then carried her, I closed her locker securely and kept the key "The nurse is out today, I guess we need to bring you to the hospital" I ran back to ghe dance studio and entered.

Everyone was silently waiting, when they saw us they gasped. Baekhyun and Chanyeol came "JaeHee!" Mr. Lim came "what happened?" He asked "she was beat up, The nurse is out today, can I bring her to the hospital?" Mr. Lim nodded

"Yeah, I'll excuse you to your next classes" I nodded then bowed my head slightly then ran out. I ran to the parking lot, I saw JaeHee fully unconscious, it doesn't hurt to just teleport.

I teleported somewhere not crowed and saw the hospital right in front, I ran there "help, she's loosing too much blood" well, She has so many open wounds, A doctor came to us "put her on the stretcher" I did and we ran her to the emergency room.

A few nurses came to help, when they entered, I was left outside and I waited. I sat on the available chairs, I anxiously waited then an hour passed and still they aren't done


I looked to where the Voice came from and found Baekhyun, Suho, Chanyeol and D.O, I stood up "are they done?" I just shooked my head then the doctor came out "Doc, how is she?" Chanyeol asked

"She lost too much blood, she needs more blood to survive and to my dismay, we ran out of blood packs" Oh my "what is her blood type doc?" D.O asked "its AB, does anyone of you has a blood type AB?"

The only one who has that blood type is "me" Suho hyung stepped "are you willing to donate?" Its dangerous for us to donate our blood but I could see that this doctor is one of us

Suho hyung looked like he's hesitating "Don't worry child, I know what you are" I saw him sigh in relief "okay, I'd be willing to donate some of my blood" suho said "okay follow me" the two of them entered the emergency room.

We sat down and waited, a few hours later, the emergency light went off which means its successful, all of us sighed in relief. The doctor and suho came out "she's now fine, I transferred her in a private ward" we nodded "how is her condition?" Baekhyun asked

"Her left wrist is broken and it takes time to heal so I put it in a cast, that's the only Major injury no other, her wounds are all patched up so don't worry" we nodded then bowed. The doctor left and we went to the ward she's in.

As we entered, I felt something painful as I saw her lying on the hospital bed. I sat on the chair beside the bed "Who could've done this?" Chanyeol asked

"Yeah, she's too innocent to be bullied and this is serious, she got hospitalized for goodness sake!" Baekhyun exclaimed then he sighed "it was HeeJin and her friends" I said still not breaking off my gaze towards her.

"That bitch! Where is she?!" D.O calmed Baekhyun down "Isn't she being too much? She killed an obsessed fan girl of Sehun before and now she almost Killed JaeHee" I nodded "she called her a slutty Flirtatious bitch, maybe because she thought she flirted with us because she got near us for a short time unlike her" I said

"SHE WHAT?! Okay now this is just too much! Where is she?!" Baekhyun bursted in anger as his eyes turned deep shade of red and the hospital lights flickered "Baek Chill, You're gonna scare the dead" Chanyeol said

"I do not care the hell if they're scared! She hurt my JaeHee and she's gonna pay!" Then he stormed out with D.O and Suho following him, still the lights Flickered.

Chanyeol sat on the edge of the bed "I still don't get it, she already have a boyfriend but why does she still bully some girls that get near us?" He asked while I just shrugged.

We both sighed, JaeHee please be okay.

Vampire Series :Maknae CoupleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora