“You’re adorable,” I told him, his cheeks positively flaming now.  He looked away from me and started fidgeting with his glasses before sliding them into his bag and mumbling his thanks.  Confused, I asked, “Aren’t you going to wear them?”

“I’ve got contacts in,” he explained.

“I thought you didn’t have contacts?” I cocked my head to the side, still examining him.

“I do, I-I just hardly ever wear them.” 

“You should more often.  Not that I don’t love your glasses, but your eyes are too beautiful to keep covered up,” I said honestly.

“Th-thank you,” he muttered again, blush still very present on his face along with just a hint of a smile.  He was saved by our teacher standing up to start class.  He focused very hard on what he was saying for the entire class, never once looking over at me or writing any notes to me.  At the very end of class, I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. 

What are you doing tomorrow night?” I whispered quietly.

“Um… I don’t know, why?” he whispered back nervously.  Suddenly the bell rang, signaling that we could go.  I brought my voice back up to a normal volume.

“Want to do something?”

“You mean work on the project?” he asked.

“No, just something.  Hang out like normal people?” I smirked, sensing his nerves growing. 

“Um, a-alright,” he stuttered. “What are we gonna do?”

I just shrugged and smiled. “I don’t know, we can figure something out.”

“Um, okay.”

“Can’t wait,” I told him, finally managing to make him smile a little bit.  “See you later?”

He nodded at me before exiting the room to head to his next class.  As I packed up my bag, I felt someone move next to me.  Looking up, I saw that it was Lydia.

"Hey,” she said.

“Lydia,” I said shortly.

“So um… I just wanted to say sorry.  For what I’ve said and how I’ve acted.  I can’t speak for anyone else but I just feel bad,” she said, sounding sincere.  I sighed.  For her to apologize meant a lot.  It definitely wasn’t her style.

"It’s fine, Lyd, I just don’t want to deal with that kind of shit anymore.  I won’t,” I resigned.

“I really am.  You’re right, we’ve been dicks lately.  Forgive me?” she raised her eyebrows hopefully.  I sighed before answering.

“Yeah, yeah.  I forgive you,” I smiled, hoping she really meant it.

“Yay!” she clapped her hands together.  “So does that mean you’ll still come to my party Saturday?”

I had completely forgotten she was having a party.  What with me tuning everyone out recently, I must have missed all the constant chatter about it.  It really was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew I probably should go if she was making an effort to make things right.  “Sure, of course I’ll be there.”

She squealed a little in delight, grasping my shoulder excitedly.  “Thank god! I was worried you wouldn’t want to come.”

I slowly smiled at her, reassuring her that I’d be there.  As walked out of the room and said goodbye as we went our separate ways in the hall.  By the time lunch rolled around, I was starving and feeling a little more optimistic about my friends.  If Lydia had apologized, maybe Haley would too.  I knew Colt would never, and to be honest, I was basically done with him forever. 

I sat down at the table with Jack, Will, and Lydia.  Haley was apparently not there yet, and again, no sign of Colt.  Jack and Will both smiled at me as I sat down.  It wasn’t an apology, but it was at least a friendly gesture.  And, to be fair, they hadn’t really done anything, just gone along with others.  They probably had no idea I was mad and felt no need to apologize. 

Lunch today was much more pleasant than it had been all week.  We talked about the party, how excited everyone was, what their plans were for Friday.  When they asked me if I wanted to join them for a movie, I told them I already had plans.

“You do? With who?” Jack questioned.  It was unusual for any of us to do something without the group.

"Um… Harry,” I said quietly, watching closely for their reactions.

"Harry?  That kid you’re partners with in biology?” Lydia asked, clearly trying to keep her tone neutral after her apology.

"Yeah, that’s the one,” I replied.

“You’re working on your project on a Friday night?” she questioned further.

"No, just hanging out.”

"WHAT?” all three of them said, like I had just announced I was moving to Asia. “You’re hanging out with him, just to hang out?” Will countered.

"Yep, sure am,” I said, quickly growing weary of their shocked tones.

“That, um, that sounds like fun, Jo,” Lydia said, desperately now trying to keep her tone.  I appreciated her effort, despite being able to see her underlying distaste.

"I think so.”  After that, Will changed the subject to deciding what movie they should see, and I tuned out again.  I had just told my friends I was planning on hanging out with Harry, and while they had been shocked, they weren’t rude.  This was a step in the right direction, as far as I was concerned.  A small step, but a step nonetheless.  

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