"...Then why did you break up with me? You've known about this baby for a week and instead of telling me you avoided me like a plague then dumped me. Do you know how heartbroken I was? I thought I had done something to ruin it all...I thought you didn't love me anymore...do you?" Louis asked, looking close to tears again.

"Louis of course I love you, I put you before I even put myself, that's why I broke up with you, for your happiness."

"I don't understand, how could you think that would make me happy? I'm miserable without you Haz..."

"I was thinking about your happiness in the long run. Remember when Liam and Zayn told us about Perrie being pregnant? Do you remember what you said?" Louis just shook his head because he honestly didn't remember. "You said that a baby would literally ruin your life and that you were glad we were gay and had control over when we had children. That's why I broke up with you Louis, I don't want to ruin your life. You're finally doing well in school and you have scouts already looking at you for footie and I didn't want to take that away from you, besides, I'm the one that got us in this mess anyway."

"Harry no, don't think like that. We didn't know this could happen and it takes two to make a baby. I'm so sorry about saying a baby would ruin my life, I just obviously never pictured us in this situation. Sure it may put a few things on hold but it'll be okay. This is amazing Haz, we can have our own baby, that comes from both us."

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I just want you to be happy." Louis grabbed Harry's hands gently and leaned in to place a soft peck on his lips.

"I'm more than okay with this, I'm so happy. We're going to be a family. I knew we'd be one eventually but now it's just happening sooner, I love you so much."

"I love you too Lou...I'm sorry for hiding all this from you and for breaking up with you, I was so lost without you."

"it's all okay now, I know you were just scared, I would have been too...can, can I touch your stomach?" Harry giggled a bit.

"Of course boo, you don't have to ask. There's nothing there yet though, I just look like I ate a little too much." Louis didn't care though, he lifted Harry's shirt and gently placed a hand on his stomach.

"Hi baby, I'm your daddy..well your other daddy, I think I want to be called Papa. Anyway, you be good in there these next few months, you've already given a bunch of people a fright by making your daddy so ill. Keep on growing and just know I love you so much already." he said softly before kissing Harry's stomach then pulling his shirt back down while Harry smiled fondly as he watched him. Suddenly a thought came to his mind.


"Yes love?"

"Are you going to tell your mum?"

"Of course, you're going to have to explain all the medical stuff though because I understand what you said but I'd probably end up wording it wrong." Harry just nodded.

"I was thinking we could tell her after my next appointment which is in a week. That way I can get a copy of the sonogram for her as well. Oh speaking of that, this one is yours." Harry said while handing Louis the one that hadn't been cried on, Harry got very emotional while looking at his copy the past few days. Louis smiled and took it, agreeing to Harry's idea of telling his mum after the next appointment.

Louis pulled back the covers and got underneath as Harry followed. Louis pulled Harry into his embrace and they laid in silence for a moment."I still can't believe we're going to be a family." Harry said with a fond smile.

"Me either, but I know I wouldn't want that with anyone else but you." Louis said as he kissed the top of Harry's head before they both drifted to sleep.

All of you said Louis would react badly so I made him react well. Plus I figured there's way too much angst in my Lilo story so this one will be..a little bit happier, I don't have any angst planned yet but I can't promise there won't be any. It depends on my mood when I'm writing. Anyway, thoughts on Louis' reaction?

But I'm A Boy- Larry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now