Chapter 29: The Army Remains Strong

Start from the beginning

"Look, it's nothing against the Army, you both know I'm in full support of it and everything it stands for. It's just difficult with me being involved with Draco is all," I tried explaining again, but Hannah didn't seem to be paying attention to me anymore.

I finished my dinner quickly and excused myself to the bathroom. I luckily slipped out to the hallway that led towards the bathroom when a hand landed on my shoulder. I jumped and turned slowly expecting to have to explain myself to an angry Professor Carrow, but was surprised to see Draco instead.

"You scared me," I mumbled as he pulled me into a familiar embrace.

"I saw you leave early from dinner and wanted to make sure you were all right," came his warm response.

"Just a little misunderstanding with Hannah was all, I needed some air," I said with a wry smile. "How are you doing?"

He shrugged and let go of me, cupping my cheek gently and staring into my eyes in that piercing yet calm way of his.

"Fine, though I do have something I need to tell you," Draco said as he ran his thumb across my cheek slowly.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"I know it's kind of early and there's still two and a half months until Easter Break, but I needed to ask you something of you," Draco said choosing his words carefully.

"I'm not coming back to Hogwarts after Easter Break. Father has made it clear that my place is by his side as the Dark Lord starts to regain his power. I tried everything to get him to let me stay, but he wouldn't have it. As I'll be gone, there are going to be even more rumors that come up and I don't want any of them coming back to you. Can I ask that you keep a low profile around here after I'm gone so as not to give people any reason to speculate?" Draco asked nervously.

"Yeah, no problem. I'll miss you terribly," I admitted.

"I'll miss you, too, a lot." Draco pulled me back into a tight hug and I leaned against him as if this were the last time I'd ever get to hold him.

For the rest of January and into February, we took every chance we had to be together and savored it. Knowing our days were numbered made every kiss sweeter, every hug longer, and every time we could hold hands better.

Valentine's Day this year fell on a Saturday and Draco took me to Madam Padifoot's again like before where we each got ourselves some tea and cuddled on the back couch. It wasn't dreadfully cold this month, but we were still grateful for the warmth of the tea and each other's arms. That had been the best Valentine's Day ever for me.

Hannah hadn't been talking to me much; she was probably still secretly fuming that I wouldn't join the D. A., but I had given up trying to convince her it was for the greater good a while ago. She and the entire study group had stopped meeting me in the Common Room to study so I spent my evenings serving Amycus' detentions. On the nights I didn't have to, I watched my brother and his friends laugh as I attempted my homework. According to Ernie, even Zach had joined which only made me feel worse, but I just didn't want to be the reason that everyone in the Army ended up being tortured by the Carrows.

February blew into blustery March days in which Draco and I snuck out at night and flew around the grounds. We both still served detentions every night, but Amycus had grown bored of us cleaning classrooms and writing lines so he eventually let them slide. Now, one would think that having had all these detentions from flying late at night would deter me from partaking in these late night excursions, but I was pretty sure I was in love and wanted to spend time with Draco as he was leaving next month for good.

When April arrived with rain showers and lots of review work for the upcoming exams, I only had ten days left until Easter Break. It had been harder to sneak out to meet Draco with the excessive amount of homework and the rain that put a damper on flying dates. Though there was still Defense Against The Dark Arts for sharing small smiles, Potions for the occasional hand hold and or "footsie" session or Astronomy for hugs if it was particularly cold during Professor Sinistra's lectures. (And of course the gentle kiss at the bottom of the Astronomy Tower's stairs before splitting up for sixth period.)

Eventually to my dismay, Friday, April 10th arrived and the people who were leaving for the Easter holidays were packed and boarding the train as every year and with the hubbub of students, my boyfriend. Mum had written that it was fine for Johnny and I to remain at school as it was only for the weekend so I hugged Ernie goodbye and nodded to Hannah who still hadn't come around to me not joining the D. A.

I hoped that once people took note that Draco hadn't returned, that she wouldn't start the dreaded rumors.

I walked Ernie to the carriages and smiled fondly up at him from the ground as Hannah climbed in and was unceremoniously squished as Justin and Wayne crowded their way in as well.

"Take care of yourself, Ern, don't eat everything at your feast," I said and he just ruffled my hair in response as his carriage was dragged away towards the Hogsmeade station.

I stepped back and watched as they faded into the darkness. I turned and noticed Draco was sitting alone in the last carriage while Crabbe and Goyle squabbled over something and Zabini tried to settle it. Cautiously, I walked over and cleared my throat softly.

"Davis! You startled me," he muttered.

"Just came to see you off," I said running a hand through my hair and gazing up at him.

His expression softened and he sent me a rare smile before glancing back to his cronies with a bemused look. He then turned back to look down at me.

"I'll find you after all this mess has cleared up. I'll find you and we'll make this work. I swear it," Draco told me with a sincerity in his voice I hadn't heard before.

"I know we will be able to," I said quietly.

He leaned down and kissed me deeply, but not for too long. We broke apart reluctantly and I looked up at him, memorizing his face, knowing full well this would be the last time we saw each other for a long while. Draco seemed to sense it too as he stared at me intently as if doing the same.

"I love you, Davis Anne," Draco whispered almost inaudibly and I replied without any hesitation or waver in my voice.

"I love you, too, Draco Malfoy."

Suddenly, Crabbe and Goyle were scrambling for seats next to Draco and I slipped back into the shadows unnoticed by them. Not once did I break eye contact with Draco until his carriage faded from view like Ernie's had.

I headed back up to the castle and dropped into bed tiredly. Not many people stayed back for Easter Break so I had my dormitory all to myself. That meant no one could hear my cry myself to sleep for a few nights.

Easter Break passed quickly. Soon, the students were back with classes were in full swing again. Though it hadn't gone unnoticed that fewer had returned than had left which gave a few classes a slightly more empty feeling. Despite this, I was still able to keep a low profile and no rumors circulated.

D. A. meetings continued and the Army remained as active as ever and Hannah eventually forgave me which put us back on speaking and studying terms. Ernie delighted in this as now mealtimes were much happier and we could enjoy some puns and each other's company. The studying was much needed as final exams were scheduled for Friday, May 1st.

Exam day arrived and the first three core classes we had exams for passed easily. The next four were to be held on Monday, May 4th. This gave us the weekend to study.

Except Friday night had other plans for the entire school.

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