Chapter 27: The Queen Gets Detention Again

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Alecto Carrow ordered everyone to follow her back up to the castle. Amycus singled me out, oddly enough. He led me back up to his office while everyone else trailed behind his sister slowly.

Upon arriving in Amycus and Alecto's shared office, I discovered Draco standing in the corner. His expression was blank and he avoided my eyes at all costs.

Amycus wasted no time in diffusing the tension that had begun to grow between Draco and I with a little "welcoming speech":

"You think you're so clever Miss Nine, so smart that you could outwit me and my sister with your little game of Quidditch. Yet here you are and you're the one at fault," Amycus snarled.

"It wasn't my idea—" I started, but Amycus scoffed at me haughtily.

"Yes, it was, my dear, and Mr. Malfoy so kindly tipped me off about this little act of defiance. You orchestrated this to show that you and your little friends could get away with anything, but not tonight and it's all thanks to Mr. Malfoy for telling me and now you're here," Amycus drawled.

I couldn't even look at Draco as I felt the same anger that I had felt that night from the incident with Johnny well up inside me. The fury was building now that I knew Draco had told Amycus of all people about Zach's idea and passed it off as mine.

"Aren't you angry with your boyfriend, Miss Nine?" Amycus asked with a sickening grin spreading across his face.

"I—" I couldn't even get the words out on how I was feeling at the moment.

"You what?" He sneered disdainfully.

I shook my head and glared up at the professor—Death Eater—in front of me.

"Nine," Amycus snapped. "Answer me, how do you feel?"

I glanced back down at the floor and stared at my shoes. I wanted nothing more than to hex both Draco and Amycus to the moon and back, but I wouldn't have the strength nor stamina to do it.

"If you aren't going to answer me, I suppose it's time for punishment!" Professor Carrow cackled gleefully. "Malfoy, take out your wand."

My head snapped up at his command and my eyes widened. Surely he couldn't mean—

"Now Mr. Malfoy, your girlfriend has been particularly naughty recently and deserves a fitting way to answer for her crime. You will perform the Cruciatus Curse on her to remind her what the consequences of going against the rules are. I'm quite positive this will help ensure that she never breaks a rule again," Amycus said through a grin.

"Professor, I can't—" Draco began, but Amycus held up his hand silencing the boy.

"You can, Draco. Would you like me to do it once as an example to you?" Amycus asked sincerely and I had never wanted to curse him as bad in my life as I did right then.

"No!" Draco answered coldly. "I'll do it."

Taking a few deep breaths, I looked away from Amycus and back to the floor. I tensed my body as I waited for the Unforgivable Curse to slice through me.

Not five seconds after Draco had raised his wand, he turned on Amycus and sent a stunning spell point blank at the professor's face. Amycus squealed and fell over, immobilized. Before I could barely comprehend what had just gone down, Draco seized my hand and we tore out of the Carrow's office as fast as we could go.

I didn't have time to see what Alecto had done with the Zach and the rest of the people caught out after curfew because before I knew it, Draco had pulled me down a corridor and hauled me into an empty classroom at break neck speed. He slammed the door shut and locked it before turning around and pulling me close into a hug. My body stiffened for a moment, but I eventually caved into him and hugged him back.

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