Chapter three ( Megan's POV

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When she comes to and the nurse leaves after assuring everyone that She is fine I feel like I can breathe again. She raises to meet me fire and hatred in her eyes.
"I can't believe you guys would do that to me!" She shouts I want to yell but I didn't know she and I were dating the same guy. But I keep quiet. She stomps over to me and shoves me against the wall. I want to swing but I can't bring myself to do it.
" I can't believe you, just the other day we were talking about how happy we're as best friends. But now I realize you were faking it the whole time. I can't even look at you. You make me sick. I HATE YOU!!!" I flinch at her words, I want to cry to yell out I know you don't mean that. Then She turns on her heels and faces Nash who looks like he's going to wet his pants. "Nash Mathew Styles! (she back him into a corner spitting his name) they were right about you, they said don't fall for the Hottest guy at school. He is a total player. Well, I should have listened to them and I truly liked you but then after you ask me out 6 months later on our anniversary no less! I catch you making out with my best friend. Well, I hope you guys are happy knowing what ass holes you are!!!"
I snort at her showing bravery. I smile sassy at her.
She was walking away but spin on her heels grinning evilly.
"Hope you both know this will be on YouTube tonight when they ask how was your day I'm a be like great until my best friend and my ex-boyfriend cheated on me ON OUR FUCKING ANNIVERSARY!!! Then every girl will know what a piece of shit you are!!! And what a bitch you are!!!"
She storms off and I recover just in time to catch Nash by his shoulder. "How could you, you piece of shit you ruined my friendship with my best friend. How could YOU NOW IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!!" Then I beat the shit out of Nash while crying for my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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