Chapter two (Maggie POV)

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I come to and the nurse leave after assuring  everyone that I am fine. I raise to meet Megan fire and hatred in my eyes.
"I can't believe you guys would do that to me!"
I stomp over to Megan and shove her against the wall.
" I can't believe you, just the other day we were talking about how happy we're as best friends. But now I realize you where faking it the whole time. I can even look at you. You make me sick. I HATE YOU!!!" She flinches at my words but I don't care I truly hate her.
Then I turn on my heels and face Nash
"Nash Mathew Styles! (I back him into a corner spitting his name) they where right about you, they said don't fall for the Hottest guy at school. He is a total player. Well I should have listened to them and I truly liked you but then after you ask me out 6 mouth later on our anniversary no less! I catch you making out with my best friend. Well I hope you guys are happy knowing what ass holes you are!!!"
Meagan snorts at me. Oh hell no did this bitch just fucking snort at me!?!??
I was walking away but I spin on my heels grinning evilly.
"Hope you both know this will be on YouTube tonight when they ask how was your day I'm a be like great until my best friend and my ex boyfriend cheated on me ON OUR FUCKING ANNIVERSARY!!! Then every girl will know what a piece of shit you are!!! And what a bitch you are!!!"
I storm off and go to the library sit in my special hiding spot and ball my eyes out then I vow revenge on both of them.

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