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Tom sat down and got comfortable in an easy chair near the window that had seen better days. He kicked his shoes off and rested his feet on the table next to him, his long legs bridging the gap that would have been impossible for anyone. As Nick told him about the night after his release from the jail, he shook his head in disbelief. "I was sitting in my bed in the corner of the shelter," he said, "Minding my own business, when this old man walked in and sat down next to me. Now, I wanted my space and I was not about to let him stay there until he said your name."

"What did he look like?" Tom asked, afraid he already knew the answer.

Nick described Kama to a tee, including the bedraggled beard he'd had when Tom saw him last, alive - a detail that Tom had never revealed to his friend. "He asked about you, Haole, he called you. He told me that there were forces aligning against your destiny and that I was the only one who could put the wheels in motion to stop it." He waggled a finger at Tom. "He said only you would understand that you were meant for that mo'o. What does that mean?"

"Cora," Tom answered. "He intends on my reunion with her." He'd told Nick about Cora, but spared the mystical details, mostly because he wasn't even sure he believed them himself. "I don't know how, but if it's possible..." His voice trailed off as a movement of the foliage around the window caught his attention. There was another knock on the door and he answered with a shaky, "Hello?"

"Mr. O'Neill," came a soft woman's voice, "I have a message for you in the office."

He didn't remember seeing a woman when he checked in, though she could have been gone when he'd arrived, or she had been there and he'd been so shaken he didn't notice. "Who are you?" he asked.

"My name is Rosalie," she answered, "I'm the maid." That explained it, somewhat.

Tom sighed and threw a glance at Nick. "Alright, I'll be there in a moment," he replied, loud enough for his voice to carry through the door. "Do you think this is legitimate?" he whispered to Nick.

Nick shook his head. "She's the same one who's let me know about my communications."

"How did you know to contact Kanoa and Makai?" Tom asked.

With a chuckle, Nick answered, "The old dude." 

With a shrug, Tom opened the door a crack and peered outside. The maid was gone and the walkway was vacant, so he widened the opening ans stepped outside. A glance behind him told him that Nick was not following him. He closed the door as softly as he could behind himself and continued down the sidewalk. It was later in the day than he'd perceived and the sky was already turning lilac in anticipation of one of the many spectacular Hawaiian sunsets. The cement under his bare feet still felt warm with the heat of the day and it was somehow comforting as he made the trek and hoped there was no way he'd be caught. 

As he approached the office, he saw the manager talking with someone - he couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. He hesitated and made the decision to hide as best as he could, just in case. There was a car parked nearby on the gravel and there was just enough room between it and the prickly bush beside it for Tom to huddle down and hide. The space also allowed him to peer just above the door, through the windows and into the office without being seen. 

Once the person in the office was gone, Tom felt safe to approach. The man at the desk smiled as he entered. "Ah, Mr. O'Neill. I have a delivery for you," he said, extending an envelope towards Tom.

"Thank you so much," Tom returned, the gentile cordiality returning to his demeanor. Decorum nearly felt alien as he'd gotten used to the rough manners in the jail and the jitters of being an escapee. He smiled back at the manager, but shook his head as he turned around to leave.

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