I Am Gross

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Right now I am sitting on my couch, putting off a shower and homework. I just did homework for an hour and a half, and I feel really gross so I was going to take a shower. But somehow the motivation left me, so here I am on my laptop, writing a story about it.

I really need to wash my face. I've been breaking out a little bit over the past week and I'd really like to tone it down before Homecoming. This is the first year I'm going with someone I actually like so I actually care about what I look like (Remember last year when I went with my creepy stalker?). This is the first dance I am really excited about, because I actually have a date, and we're going with a group! It's going to be a lot of fun. I'm nervous to dance in front of people though because our group is all people we work with. I should just stand on my boyfriend's feet the whole time to avoid being made fun of. Just kidding!! I'm going to dance until my feet fall off! Maybe...

I really do need to shower. I'm so gross right now. Oh well. I'm going to keep writing.

I just had my 18th birthday a few days ago, and I had the biggest surprise of my life that morning. I'll write about it in another chapter because it deserves a whole chapter of its own.

I should probably check on my bunny. But it's windy outside and I'm only wearing a baggy T-shirt and boxers. He'll be fine until later.

I wonder what I smell like right now...

La di da di, we like to party! I'm not a partier but I would right now if I could because I'm BORED!! I don't have anything to do for a few hours. My sister and I are going to get shakes at my aunt's healthy shake shop later so I won't have to worry about lunch, which is nice. I'm going to talk to my aunt about potentially working there (It's also a video store/tanning salon... It's a really weird combination, I know). I would hopefully work during the day on some weekdays, and I'll keep working Saturdays and some weeknights at the pool. The only thing I'm concerned about with working at the video store is that they have a porn room and I'd have to go back there if someone wanted a video. Since I'm 18 I think she'd let me work there (I wanted to when I was 16 but that stupid porn room kept me from getting the job) but I'm really squeamish when it comes to bodies, and I don't think I'd make an exception for porn, because that would be weird and wrong. One time I walked by that room and the door was open. I had never seen that door open before, and I had never known where the porn room was because I obviously never thought about it or cared. So I peeked in out of curiosity, and right away I saw about ten movie cases with naked girls and their gigantic boobs flapping around. I ran away, and after I got my movie I made sure I made a detour so I didn't have to go by that room in case the door was still open. I was glad the movie I wanted was in the back of the store because after that I stood in the back corner making weird whimpering noises for a while and getting a ton of chills down my back (Yes, I was that sheltered as a child). I think now that I'm older and more mature I can handle it. It'll still be gross of course. I really hope no creepy old men come in asking for it. I would probably cry. I should plant a few Bibles in that room.

Well I'm no closer to taking that shower I so desperately need! It's 10:30. I've been writing this for about a half hour. I keep getting spacey. I should probably just get up and do what I have to do.

Thanks for reading! I hope it wasn't too gross...

Until next time :)

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