Chapter 1 - David

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"Your what?" I asked.

"I'm your son sir," the guy replied.

"What's your name?" I asked finally.

"Warren Kensley," he replied.

My heart best faster, "How old are you?"

"Thirty nine. Forty in a couple of months," Warren replied.

"No!" I breathed, "That's not possible!"

"What's wrong David?" Alex asked.

"Who's your mother?" I questioned.

"Hannah Kensley," he replied.

"That can't believe!" I breathed.

"What can't be?" Alex asked.

"Hannah Kensly is my ex-girlfriend from back when I was twenty years old," I breathed, "She said she couldn't have kids."

Warren smiled, "You fell for that too huh?"

"What do you mean?" I demanded.

"She said that to my step-dad too. Then my sisters came along," He laughed awkwardly.

"When were you born?" Alex asked.

"Are you my sister?" Warren asked.

"No, she's my wife," I replied, colder than I expected it to be, "And we were just about to be remarried."

"I'm sorry!" He cried quickly, "I meant not offence! I'll .... I'll just go..."

"Wait!" Alex shouted after him.

He stopped and turned around. Alex then pulled my lips onto hers for a quick and aggressive kiss before releasing me and giving me a look. I shrugged my shoulders at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"He's you son, David!" She reminded me, "You only have a year left, so at least get to know him."

"You're ok with this?" I asked confused, "We literally found out I have a bastard son and you're ok with it?"

She shrugged, "As I said before, I'll love you no matter what! And you didn't know so i can't hang it over your head. Just be back before nine or else I'm going to bed with or without sex!"

I kissed her lips softly, "I love you!"

"I love you too!"


I looked at Warren as we sat down at the table in the bar. I could see Hannah in his face but there was no way to deny that he had my eyes. Hannah and I had ending messily after I found out about her other boyfriends. Plural. I doubted Warren knew about that so I wasn't planning on bringing it up.

"I'm sorry if I offended you back there," he said.

I smirked, "Don't worry! Alex has heard it all before so it doesn't worry her."

"Sounds like my wife," Warren laughed.

"You're married?" I asked.

"Yeah," he reached into his pocket and gave me a picture of himself and a woman and a little girl, "Miranda is my wife and Destiny is my little girl."

I smiled, "Now that takes me back."

"How many kids do you have with Alex?" He asked cautiously.

"Four. A fifth one is on the way," I replied.

"Oh god!" Warren laughed, "I don't know how you cope!"

"God knows!" I laughed, "Alex does most of the mothering to be honest. She always was better."

"Alex seems great," Warren said. His facial expression momentarily flickered, "You guys seem happy together."

"Yeah we are!" I replied. I hesitated before changing the subject, "So how's your mother?"

"She...errrr..." Warren looked away from me, "She died about six months ago."

"Oh....god....Warren. I'm so sorry...!"

"Don't be!" Warren interrupted, "It's not your fault."

"What happened?" I asked, gripping my mug a little tighter.

"Alzheimer's disorder," Warren said calmly, "She only vaguely recognised me anyway so she wasn't the mother I knew."

"I'm sorry Warren," I replied.

"It's fine! At least I found you," he replied.

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I had your name and saved up for a PI," he laughed, "Then you found me well, I think it was one of you kids, Jason Ride, playing at the tables and I thought you may be going by your middle name. Anyway saved me a lot of money! "

I laughed and so did he. I noticed how, even though I have never met my own child, he possessed some of my traits. I noticed his scratching of the eyebrows and hunching over slightly when sitting down. All of which could be circumstantial but there was one thing that wasn't. His laugh. The was he laughed was almost exactly the same as mine in everything from pitch to loudness to duration. I was still gonna do a paternity test but from spending thirty minutes with him, I was pretty damn sure that I knew what the answer would be.

I looked at him, "I'm sorry I never saw you Warren."

Warren shrugged, "My mum told me she never told you after the messy ending you had. So it's ok really."

"How did she say we ending things?" I asked cautiously.

"You drifted apart," Warren said simply, "You knew it was coming to an end so starting seeing someone else and my mum flipped out. She regretted not making it work."

I opened my mouth to speak but didn't. His mother had died six months ago and the last thing I wanted was to ruin his last memory of his mum. She wasn't a bad person whom I had a grudge at because at the end of the day I was only looking for a fling. However, I wasn't going to ruin this boys thoughts about his mother.

"Yeah," I told I swing of drink, "I regret how we ended."


"It's past nine baby!" Alex laughed through a small groan, "we ain't having sex now."

"I know," I replied as I undressed to my boxers, "But I will kiss you to sleep."

I crawled into the bed next to her and looped my arms around my wife. I planted kissed down her neck, arms and side. She half laughed, half groaned as I did so. I knew full well I was waking her up and she desperation get wanted to sleep. I knew she was still jet-lagged so I stopped.

"Why did you stop?" She murmured.

"So you can sleep baby!" I replied.

She kissed me softly, "How was Warren?"

"I'm pretty sure he's my son," I replied, "I'll still have a paternity test but he's so like me it's unreal."

"I'm glad you are happy about it babe!" Alex murmured.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Baby as long as he's not a murdering psychopath and you are happy, then I'm happy!" She replied, "I told you that I'd still love you through out anything!"

I smiled, "I love you too!"

I slowly and gently pulled her lips onto mine and kissed her softly. We slowly fell back onto the bed, with me leaning over her and our lips still attached to each other. The guilt I felt easily over Hannah slipped from my mind as I embraced my wife.

"Night babe!" She said, rolling out from underneath me before things go anymore physical.

"Love you!" I replied.

"Love you more," she said, snuggling up to me.

I smiled.

When I Was 20 Years Old (Mature content) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now